Rx: Buteyko for respiratory illness

MANILA, Philippines - As days get cooler and with storms still expected, people with asthma and other cardiovascular or respiratory diseases prepare themselves for the worst because colder days usually aggravate their conditions.

Heart attacks and strokes also increase a few days after a fall in temperature, because cold causes stress to the vascular system. 

The lung disease COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, in which the bronchial tubes are damaged making it harder to breathe, is also affected by the cold weather as it causes airway passages to narrow.

But Filipinos can find immediate relief from asthma attacks, allergies, emphysema, rhinitis, and even sleep and anxiety disorders during the colder months with the Buteyko Method, a clinically-acknowledged breathing retraining program known to be safe, fast, and effective.

Australian senior Buteyko practitioner Jac Vidgen returns to the Philippines this November for a series of workshops to help both adults and children bring breathing patterns to normal level. With diligent practice, they can also gain long-term health benefits that reduce or even eliminate their reliance on medications.

Developed through more than 40 years of research, the Buteyko Method has been found by scientific trials in Canada, Australia, Scotland, and New Zealand to be a highly effective tool for the dramatic relief of breathing-related conditions, which subsequently strengthens the immune function, reduces stress, and improves overall well-being. Today, even athletes have taken up Buteyko to enhance their performance or the practice of yoga and other forms of meditation.

For more information, call Anny of In Touch at 810-6233 or Jac at 0919-6356060; e-mail jacvid@gmail.com or log on to www.buteykoasia.com and www.buteykoasia.multiply.com.

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