Tight budget? Go for affordable natural cough medicines

MANILA, Philippines – The prevailing economic crunch requires a great deal of belt-tightening from everyone. Moms in particular have a more difficult task of working on a budget that can be severely affected if someone in the family falls ill, especially with the high cost of medicines nowadays. Fortunately, there’s a more affordable, safer, and equally effective alternative in the form of natural medicines.

The shift to natural medicines is gaining more ground especially since these offer the same benefits as their chemical-based counterparts but provide 50-percent savings. Findings of the National Integrated Research Program on Medicinal Plants (NIRPROMP) attest to the efficacy and usefulness of some of our native plants like lagundi, the plant used in ASCOF Lagundi, a natural, clinically proven safe, effective, and affordable medicine for cough.

As one of the 10 herbal medicines endorsed by the Department of Health, lagundi is an effective natural cough medicine with proven therapeutic value. It has been clinically proven effective in treating not just cough but also bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. Moreover, the Department of Science and Technology has performed numerous studies on lagundi —- these phytochemical studies have shown that lagundi contains chrysoplenol D, a smooth muscle relaxant with antihistamine properties. 

In addition, lagundi has been clinically tested to inhibit the release of leukotrienes, which makes it effective in controlling asthma. Some doctors even prescribe lagundi tablets to assist in the treatment of asthma, as regular doses reduce the severity of asthma attacks. Aside from being effective, lagundi is more affordable than its synthetic counterparts. 

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