Give love, give thanks

It’s been a super hectic Christmas season for my family with a gazillion people to buy gifts for, lots of parties to attend, a handful of children to keep entertained and busy, my husband’s birthday and our 13th wedding anniversary to celebrate, our parents, relatives, and friends who flew from out of town to keep company, etc. etc. But somehow, through all those happenings, I managed to get some rest. I told my husband how this season really felt differently restful – for my soul, that is. I guess it’s because of the fact that I accepted all the busyness that was to occur but chose to remain at peace, knowing in my heart that everything was well with my soul.

I noticed that the recurring theme of my heart for this season is thankfulness. The minute December kicked in, what was vividly flashed in my mind was a picture of my son Benjamin who remains alive, kicking and so healthy after an open-heart surgery in December 2005. I guess when you come out whole after going through a life-threatening experience like that, you tend to look at life from a totally different perspective, especially when it happens around Christmastime.

Our whole family had an open-heart surgery in every sense of the way.

We all had an overhaul. Christmas definitely didn’t spell S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G or G-I-F-T-S or S-E-L-F for us then and, even more, now. Our focus was solely on God’s direction for us and we relied totally on His will as we surrendered Benjamin to His care during his surgery. Each of us in our family of six looked after each other in a very special way that made us gel like cement. I know that it came from the loads of prayers from so many people – some of them we didn’t even know. Experiencing the love of family and friends who went out of their way to comfort and care for us, we became stronger. The financial provision that poured from unknown places left us in awe and the quick recovery of Benj was just a bonus we already knew was inevitable.

Sure, we have our moments of grumbling, hoping for more in life, etc., but we definitely know what matters most in life.

One of the most impactful gifts I received this Christmas came from my seven-year-old daughter Hannah. It came in the form of a handmade book. I cried while reading the few pages she had in it because she thanked me for the things that I have done for her. She drew me with my kids on the first page and on the succeeding pages, she managed to scan some pages from her baby book. The first page was our photo taken minutes after she was born and the words, " Mom, thanck you for?… all was beying ther forme (thank you for always being there for me)." The second page contained her recognition for her first gymnastics competition and the words, "… for giveng me your best chir (for giving me your best cheer)." The third page showed different photos of people hugging and taking care of her and the words, "…ticheng me to love others more and more (teaching me to love others more and more). " The fourth page had photos of all of us in the delivery room and the words, " … and triying and triing to let me be born, I love you Mommy (and trying and trying to let me be born)." The last page included my journal entry of the time she first came home from the hospital after birth and a picture of her siblings welcoming her and the words, "… all was loveing me (always loving me)."

I was so touched by such a simple yet meaningful gift that she managed to put together for me. Now, it seems that thankful thoughts reign in our home for I was even more thankful after she thanked me for all that I’ve been to her.

As we welcome the New Year, my husband encouraged me to write down all the things we can be thankful for, for the year 2006. Let’s keep thankful thoughts in mind and get rid of our negative mindsets so we can welcome the New Year in a truly meaningful way. Before I get busy with that, I urge you to do the same and rejoice! Happy New Year!
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