How to use body electricity to heal

The onset of advanced technology has brought not only conveniences to man, but inconveniences as well. Consider the invention of ultra-modern medical equipment and facilities to treat patients who are suffering from ailments which were unknown or rare or were not present centuries or decades ago. These various ailments and others after them precipitated the invention/discovery of particular treatment facilities and/or medicines but not without "costs."

With medical sophistication come expensive and some "sickness-abetting" drugs – meaning, drug prices can rocket sky-high that many sick individuals or their families prefer not to consult physicians anymore, for fear that they may not be able to afford the medicines to be prescribed. Others request for less effective but cheaper drugs or ask for substitutes. Still others go for the basics, like, settling for herbs and other medical plants, which can turn out to be effective, sometimes.

But there’s a supplementary and more potent medicine than most drugs which people are forgetting (or have forgotten?) to avail themselves of or make use of – body electricity. This innate treatment facility does not only cure but prevents ailments, too. This human energy product, when fully activated, works miracles.

We are aware that electric currents course through the human body. Man’s physical body is constructed out of atoms. Science tells us that groups of different kinds of atoms of different chemical substances join to form tiny structures called molecules, which are the building blocks of matter. These molecules, when put together, form cells; cells together form tissues; and tissues together form into organs and glands to finally make up the physical body of man.

The fundamental property of an atom is that it vibrates, caused in fact by its very own spin and the movement of the particles within the atom. Atomic research has proven that all matter is but a mass of atoms. These composition and properties are the potential energy in man.

The other kind of energy – kinetic – activates or occurs when an electromotive force (EMF) is applied to this potential energy. This electromotive force can be in the form of heat, force or microwave, and the human mind (thought works through atoms). An enormous amount of EMF can so affect the atom that it will release the particles composing the atom. Such release starts a series of interaction of electrical particles – an accumulation of electrons produces a negative charge; a loss of electrons, a positive charge. In short, electricity ensues.

Drawing energy from the sun gives us the positive polarity of the vital life force or prana. Through breathing exercises, we inhale negative energy from the atmosphere. A combination of both positive and negative ions begets kinetic energy, that is, energy in motion that regulates the various functions within the human anatomy such as metabolism, blood circulation, etc.

Martial artists, through physical and mental exercises, activate their potential energy – called ki or chi – into kinetic energy. This results in electrical energy, the likes of which we see on the big screen and on television – in science thrillers and anime shows. The laser-like light indiscriminately used as weapons during fight scenes is, of course, already exaggerated or enhanced for cinematic purposes, but the same light is the manifestation of the body electricity.

Except for those individuals who can see what ordinary eyes do not see, in real life, this light cannot be seen but can only be felt.

As martial arts practitioners will tell us, it takes time, perseverance and an almost inhuman capacity or tolerance for pain for them to develop these skills and capabilities. As in any worthwhile human endeavor, this art can be attained only after much work and sacrifice. "No guts, no glory," goes a saying.

Meditation also turns the potential chi or ki into kinetic or moving energy. For spiritually evolving individuals who experience increased frequency (strength of vibration), heat is increased in the body which registers as fever. With much practice, the heat that was initially generated can be turned into electricity. This body electricity, when heightened and developed, will enhance the physicality of man.

Meditation activates the pineal body, the seat of the "divine spark" releasing a larger amount of serotonin, the raw material for mental and emotional balance.

In brief, the body possesses electric energy – enough to sustain it and help it maintain a healthy lifestyle. This means that body electricity keeps a man fit and strong enough to fight off disease or help cure one. And it is not only humans that can claim such property or quality – other animals have it, too.

This body electricity is what is used for healing oneself and others, too. To treat oneself, this energy has to be concentrated, through the mind, and then directed towards the part of the body which needs to be treated. To treat others, a transfer of energy is made through the fingers of the one who is treating, on certain body parts of the patient. It goes without saying that the one who is giving his energy has enough to give, through practices and exercises, lest he ends up becoming the patient himself.

There’s so much more that man’s innate attribute can do if only it’s given due recogniton and attention, or fully tapped. This potential, as well as kinetic energy, with the correct enhancement process for it to turn into electrical energy, will make man realize and utilize his divine qualities.

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