Arthritis Q&A

Q1. Is it possible that I have two kinds of arthritis in one single joint?

Yes, it is possible. Osteoarthritis is very common among aging, overweight individuals. If you happen to be a male alcoholic, with a family history of gouty arthritis, then it is not surprising that you may have gout on top of osteoarthritis.

On the other hand, if you happen to have an infection elsewhere, e.g. UTI abscess, the infection may spread and localize on that same joint causing three types of arthritis in one single joint. The presence of infection acidifies the internal environment of our joint and further aggravates gouty arthritis.

Q2. What kind of food should be avoided?

Patients with gouty arthritis must avoid internal organs, sardines, beans, and alcoholic beverages. On the other hand, patients with other types of arthritis need no restriction as long as they do not exceed their ideal body weight.

Q3. If I forgot to take my medicine today, what should I do? Forget it or double the dose tomorrow?

Most medicines are associated with side effects. Proper amount, dose frequency, route of administration are just some important things that we should pay attention to. If you forgot your medicine that should be taken few minutes ago or few hours ago, then you may go ahead and take it provided there is no special instruction given to you by your doctor.

Some medicines should be taken with an empty stomach or should not be taken with other medicines that you have already taken. If in case you forgot the medicine intended for yesterday, ignore it. Do not double the dose intended for today.

Dr. Perry P. Tan is a rheumatologist, founder and head of the Rayuma Klinik of Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center (JRRMMC) and consultant at St. Luke’s Medical Center.

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