It’s a home, it’s a school, it’s Action Kidz!

Action Kidz, located at the fourth floor of Discovery Centre, a multi-high-rise on ADB Avenue in Ortigas Center, is a child development center right in the middle of a business hub. It is a safe and caring place where learning and love never end. It’s like school where young minds are nurtured to grow with each passing day. It’s like recess where eating and playing are used as a vehicle for learning. It’s like no place else, where children are kept active as children should be, entertained and engaged.

This is the world of Lilet Vizmanos where she leads a whole new life. As to how a certified public accountant and a certified management accountant with over two decades of top-level corporate experience became a licensed elementary education teacher, with a master in child psychology, and is today the moving spirit of this unique child development center is a story in itself.

"A working mother dies a thousand times every day she leaves her child for work. Entrusting her precious ones to the care of a yaya is not a choice but an ordeal," says Vizmanos. "During the growing-up years of my children, I wished for a place that gives children a balance of learning and fun, the freedom to think for themselves and the opportunity to socialize with other children. I wished for an environment where I am sure my children are cared for and loved, that nurtures their individual personality and unique abilities, that encourages their development but does not make them grow up too fast. I wished for a true partner in child rearing."

Originally planned as a day-care center for its hotel guests and office tenants, Action Kidz instead evolved into a child center that takes a more active role in the development of children who enroll as members and students. It is an organization Vizmanos fondly describes as a parent’s partner in providing quality childcare and child development programs from infancy to early primary years.

A division of Sportathlon Philippines, a multinational integrated leisure company based in Hong Kong, Action Kidz offers an integrated and synergistic series of developmental activity programs for children six months through six years of age. "We understand the natural playfulness and curiosity of children. Our program was created to adapt to their continually changing needs and channel their boundless energy and enthusiasm in optimizing their development through play and physical activity. It is through play that much of children’s early learning is achieved," Vizmanos explains.

She adds, "The physical, socio-emotional and intellectual development of children is dependent on activity. Therefore, opportunity for play is the key aspect of the Action Kidz program." The program builds on the children’s natural approach to learning and creates an atmosphere of enthusiasm and involvement. Children thus develop confidence in themselves and in their ability to learn as they acquire appropriate social skills.

Appropriate teaching tools were purchased and prepared after a meticulous search for subject and substance here and elsewhere. Vizmanos even bought a lot of children’s books and activity materials when she went on an observation tour of child centers in New South Wales, Australia. Strictly enforced is a ratio of five to eight children per teacher whose minimum academic qualification is either licensed elementary educator and/or child psychologist. One is not surprised to find a yaya among the children. "It is our own way of training the yayas on a child’s early learning activities. Some fathers and even uncles also participate. We do have male teachers as they provide balance in the school setting and activity program," says Vizmanos.

The center runs on a quarterly session to allow modifications on curriculum program depending on the child’s progress. Action Kidz curriculum enhances the basic pattern of DECS’ approved Philippine Learning Competencies.

Overall, Vizmanos says they provide a very strong home setting. "We want to reduce to the barest minimum any separation anxiety a child normally feels when left in school. There’s a lot of hugging and kissing as we guide the children to experience a new wave of emotions and understanding in a language they understand. There’s a lot more patience and appreciation as we face and tackle their "never-ending-why’s" which we respect and encourage. And we don’t hesitate to refer these questions to other teachers or say we don’t have the answer yet."

Part of the center’s service is the parent-teacher discussion about the child not only on his/her academic progress but also on other matters concerning the child including, but not limited, to his/her patterns of behavior – alone or with other persons around him/her.

Action Kidz follows the Multiple Intelligence (MI) framework of teaching that was developed by Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University. The MI theory identifies and nurtures a child’s areas of strength and bridges these strengths to other subject areas, hence the child is given the opportunity to optimize his development. MI categorizes eight types of intelligence in every person: linguistics, spatial, body kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal and naturalist.

A feeling of acceptance and affirmation and a sense of belonging are what Action Kidz had in mind when its membership club was set up. Club members can have access to its brightly colored playgym filled with carefully chosen educational play equipment from the US, get priority listing in all Action Kidz’ regular and special programs, avail themselves of discounts and other membership benefits.
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Action Kidz is located at the fourth floor of Discovery Centre, 25 ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City. Call 636-07-47/636-07-90;

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