Samsung Galaxy Tab 2: Practical application

Let’s begin with a rundown of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2’s specs, shall we? It comes in two sizes, seven-inch and 10.1 inch. The seven-inch model comes in both Wi Fi and Wi Fi+3G variants, while the 10.1 is solely Wi Fi+3G. The new Samsung Tab 2 operates using a 1GHz dual-core processor, running the latest Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS. It features a three megapixel rear camera and a VGA front camera for video calls. Units also come with 8GB, 16GB, and 32GB storage options, feature 1GB or RAM, and are expandable by micro SD to up to 32GB. The Galaxy Tab 2 also features an IR blaster that can be used together with other Samsung devices that have AllShare capabilities. Some value added services include access to the Android Market, Samsung TouchWiz, Samsung Apps, Samsung Hub, Google Mobile Services, Polaris Document Editor, and A-GPS, Glonass.

While the truly weird will be aroused when discovering that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 uses a dual-core processor, most will disregard that entire first paragraph because of all the technical jargon. What’s an IR blaster? What’s VGA? Why in the world is the operating system called “Ice Cream Sandwich?”

I don’t know, Google it. You can Google everything nowadays.

Typing “Samsung Galaxy Tab 2” in the Google search bar will get you all the technical information you need to know about the device, and probably more comprehensive technical reviews than this one. But it was made clear by Samsung Mobile Philippines at the Recent Tab 2 launch that the there is now a general move away from being spec-crazy.

“When we launched the first Galaxy Tab, it was really all boasting about specs. But now, with the launch of the second generation tablet, it’s become more about what it can give to the Filipino consumer, asking the question ‘how can it enrich life?’ More than just giving a presentation of high tech specs, our direction with the Tab 2 is ‘What can I use it for?’” says Coco Domingo, head for product marketing, Samsung Mobile Philippines.

In that light, here are five real world uses for the new Samsung Galaxy Tab 2:

1. Having uninterrupted, hassle-free, mobile movie marathons: The New Galaxy Tab 2 is a versatile machine that can play most movie and audio files without having to install drivers and codecs and whatnot. Using the AllShare feature, you can stream movies from the Tab onto a digital TV (providing the TV supports AllShare technology.) With its expandable memory, you can just keep on loading those files while not having to worry about deleting your favorites.

2. Doubles as a new-age handheld gaming console: without going into technical detail, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 is powerful enough to run some of the most graphic-intensive apps in the market. And with the Android Market featuring about 400,000 Apps (many of them free games,) you can turn your Galaxy Tab 2 into super-gaming machine.

3. Plan and organize easily: with built in functions like slideshow presentations and calendar organizer, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 is a reliable partner for professionals. Use it for important reminders, or even for giving presentations at work. And when you aren’t working, you can use the GPS function to map out a route to the nearest beach or vacation spot, and take a hassle-free trip without worrying about directions.

4. Work on the go: Using Polaris Document Suite, you can type your stories while on the go. No more down time means higher productivity. Then you can send it right there from the same device. And it works as a phone, too, so you’ll never be out of touch. Or, if you are like some people, you can take your Tab 2 to a coffee shop somewhere and continue writing poetry or a novel or whatever these new-school, artsy-fartsy people do with their computers at coffee shops.

5. Record yourself singing for your crush: This one takes a lot of balls, but the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 makes it easy. Turn on the camera, record yourself, post it on your YouTube account, or just e-mail it straight to her. The audio and video pick up are more than decent, so you should sound good if you practice. And when you guys hook up, you’ll be thanking the Galaxy Tab 2 for sparking something. Plus she might find that you being tech-savvy is sexy, who knows?

I asked Coco of Samsung Mobile Philippines what his favorite thing about the Tab 2 was. He says: “I can do most of the things I used to in a different and more portable way. For example, before I would use my laptop to access the Internet. Now, I don’t need to be in the office or have to carry a bulky computer for that. Anywhere I go, I can do that with the Tab 2, even when I’m abroad. And I love loading the Tab 2 full of movies so that when I don’t like a movie on an overseas flight, I can just catch up with a series or a movie that I like.”

Judging from his answer, he’s already used the Tab 2 in scenarios 1, 3, and 4. And he’s used it to play games, for sure, so scratch number 2 off the list.

And that’s what most users will probably end up doing: just everything from 1-4. But believe in the Tab 2, people. Do number 5. You might get lucky.

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For more details about the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, visit

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