IT all comes together with Samsung

Modern IT has redefined convergence. In the past it was difficult enough to link up two devices at a single point. Nowadays, that’s too easy — that kind of connectivity is standard, and expected by customers of their gadgets. The task has become trickier with a greater demand from the public to have multiple contraptions functionally linked-up. 

The difficulties of modern IT convergence don’t end there. It’s hard enough having more than two devices simultaneously operating through the same point, but these have to be running well and should have good value for money. Key phrases like “seamless operation” and “raising value and functionality” are all demanded of today’s modern doohickeys. The consumerization of IT, while being a good thing for the customer in the sense that he gets what he wants, has created more challenges for the people who have to come up with cutting-edge ideas and solutions that can appease a tech-hungry society.

More than creating things that are cool and cutting edge, though, convergence in IT is all about making life easier for everyone. Whether it’s at work or at home, IT has infiltrated our daily lives. So why make things complicated?

In an effort to create a hassle-free IT environment Samsung has created its AllShare software, which allows you to link up multiple smart devices and enjoy wireless connectivity. Videos, photos, and music can be shared and streamed over a device-to-device local network that supports your PC and AllShare.

Jim Paredes with the new Samsung Series 9 Notebook, currently the world’s thinnest 15-inch notebook.

“The AllShare software is unique to all Samsung products. All our tablets have it, our WiFi camera has it, our TVs have it, and we also have a downloadable PC software version for our laptops and netbooks. By having all these connected on one WiFi access point, you get to push, stream, and select what you want to display from this gadget to another display peripheral. It’s really very simple,” says Bernie Serran, of the Technical Pre-Sales group of Samsung IT Philippines.

This function is great for the home. Sending and posting pictures, for example, no longer requires you to take out the memory card from your phone and put it in the device you want to transfer the photo to. Now, you can just send it wherever you want straight from your phone with Samsung AllShare. Movies? Stream them straight from your laptop to the LCD monitor. No more messy wires or transferring files.

Samsung’s take on convergence also makes office life easier. At the center of the office solutions is the Samsung Smart Station Monitor, a hub that easily links up your computer, cellphone, printer, and other peripherals without the use of wires. 

“Nowadays, the trend is really to go wireless. So the objective is to make our work and everyday activities faster, easier, and more convenient. With the Smart Station Monitor, you can have faster printing without connecting to a LAN connection or a WiFi access point. And with a laptop, you don’t need a lot of cables, just one to the Smart Station which connects your computer to a monitor, to your smart phone, and everything else. I actually own one, and this makes my work faster and more convenient, and I am really impressed at how affordable, yet functional this Smart Station is,” says Grace Corre of Samsung Pre Sales.

Grace Corre of Samsung pre-sales and the new Samsung Smart Station monitor: “The objective is to make our work and everyday activities faster, easier, and more convenient.”

Also featured in the Smart Station is a feature called Mobile Control, which allows users to use a keyboard and mouse to control a docked cellphone. As far as functionality is concerned, the Smart Station’s main task is to act as a hub. Two USB 3.0 ports, one USB 2.0 port, HDMI, and MHL connectivity simplifies things.

Speaking praises of Samsung’s new technology is musician, writer, photographer, teacher, all-around-creative-guy, and dad Jim Paredes. A renaissance man in his own right, Jim appreciates the ease of use that modern convergence allows him. He is able to do his work, while still maintaining a fruitful family life.

“I want all my devices to be compatible and to be able to ‘talk’ to each other, and that’s what this new technology does so easily. With this new convergence set up, with my Samsung camera, I can use my cellphone as the monitor of the camera. If I’m taking my own picture, I can look at my phone to see how I look through the camera lens. And I actually press the shutter on my phone, which makes things so much easier. And if I have something on my phone, I can see it on my large TV. If I have pictures for the family to see, I can put them on my tab, too. Everything is connected,” Jim shares.

It’s easy to get bogged down by big IT words like “convergence.” But if you have companies and products that make it easy to understand then, really, there’s no use in being afraid of technology.

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