Bonding with Supreme Dads

MANILA, Philippines -When they were kids their dads would come home from work late at night and still manage to play games with them before they went to bed. On the weekends, their dads would take them places – maybe the ice cream store, maybe the park. They’d teach them how to ride a bike, how to swim, how to shoot a basket. Against the backdrop of their youth and childhood, their dads were their heroes. 

Three personalities share their own favorite bonding moments about the spectacular men who raised them. These “Supreme Dads” value family, bonding, and time well spent together – values that have since been inculcated in the minds and hearts of the children they brought up, and hopefully will be be passed on to coming generations.

This is the Selecta Supreme philosophy – that families make every weekend count by using the time to bond. One surefire way to bond is through everybody’s favorite cold snack: ice cream! Even something as simple as watching TV together can be made even sweeter with a scoop of ice cream to go with it.

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