A day in the life of two workaholics

Rissa Mananquil

MANILA, Philippines - One of the country’s most beloved supermodels juggles modeling, being a mother, writer, and soon, a devoted wife. With her upcoming wedding in October, see how Rissa makes final preparations before she walks down the aisle:

“Every morning, I wake up with a kiss from my son, Enzo. My son and I usually spend mornings together over breakfast while catching up before he leaves for school. Got to make sure we have a healthy and hearty breakfast, and a daily dose of vitamin C with Smart C+! Since no day is ever the same for me, I make sure I have my schedule fixed and updated. Sometimes I have photo shoots, fashion shows, meetings, article deadlines, events I have to

“This morning I woke up with a kiss from my son, Enzo. I can’t believe he’s growing up so fast!”

attend, or classes I have to teach. Today I’m devoting my entire day to wedding preparations. I recently got engaged to Ateneo Basketball team manager, sportscaster, and restaurant owner Paolo Trillo. I can’t wait for October to come! What a blessed and exciting year, right?

“Today’s lunch is spent with my other suppliers to discuss more details of my wedding. Whenever I eat, I make sure I eat right and have whatever I want, but with limitations. I had Smart C+ Orange Crush! It’s a great-tasting drink that allows you to indulge. I also checked out the reception venue now. I’m so happy everything is going the way I envisioned it. Looking at all of our plans finally turning into reality is making me more excited than ever. I make it a point to be home before Enzo arrives from school. My favorite part of the day? Getting kisses from my son after a long day!

“I can’t explain how excited I am about the new chapter in my life,” Rissa says. “I cannot wait for October to come and finally spend the rest of my life with my soon-to-be husband, Paolo Trillo.”

“My son and I love trying out new restaurants and watching good movies. Tonight, my fiancé, Paolo, joined us for dinner and some flicks! I love spending time with my boys. Being so busy with the wedding, I’m grateful I can still find time to do things with them. Before the day ends, I make sure Enzo hits the bed early for his class tomorrow, but first I have to kiss him before he sleeps. Afterwards, I check my schedule for tomorrow to prepare myself for another busy day.”

RJ Ledesma

“I immediately eat breakfast after freshening up and quickly check my e-mail,” says entrepreneur/host/real estate developer/writer/editor/yogi RJ Ledesma.

Being an entrepreneur/host/real estate developer/writer/editor/yogi/husband/father, it is hard to imagine how RJ crams everything he needs to do in just 24 hours. Read on as RJ shares a day in his extraordinary life, from a morning taping, an afternoon of hosting, and an evening with his family. This is what he has to say about a day for which he needs to drink Smart C to keep healthy.

“I start my day playing with my daughter, Fortune. After my bonding time with her, I do some reflection on the Gospel and daily yoga exercises because I like starting my day with a positive mind and attitude. My morning is devoted to visiting Mercato to check on our events and new concessionaires. It’s nice to meet all those who love Mercato and I’m glad they’re taking time off from their week to visit us. Superman has to take a break so I grab a quick lunch with my favorite drink, Smart C+, before I go on with my day and to keep myself refreshed all day.

“For the afternoon, I put my host cap on for my TV show and an event. I have an on-location shoot for my TV show, Best Men, a lifestyle show made for men. For our episode, I’ll be sharing with them the benefits of being a vegetarian. Men today are as health-conscious as their female counterparts and this will truly be an interesting topic for our show. After my shoot, I head over to my hosting gig. I warm myself up before I start and make sure I have enough energy to keep up with an afternoon of festivities. It sure is tiring, but definitely rewarding to see all the smiles and hear all the laughter. It’s time to quench my thirst with a bottle of Smart C+ on my way home.

“I like to end my day catching up with my wife, Vanessa. With all the things I do, I guess being a husband and father are those that I do best!”

“I like to end my day with some quality time spent with my family. Usually, we have a nice home-cooked meal or we go out and discover new restaurants. During dinner, my wife Vanessa and I talk about our day and play with our daughter. With all the things I do, I guess being a husband and a father are those that I do best! Before turning in, I wind down with a comic book and do my daily Bible reading. Then, time to sleep soundly in the arms of my wife.”

“I start my day playing with my daughter,” RJ says. “Mornings are our bonding time!”

Nowadays it’s no longer unusual to meet someone who wears many different hats. Living diverse lifestyles are RJ Ledesma and Rissa Mananquil, two of the country’s most versatile personalities. Take a peek into their lives and see how they keep up with their multi-faceted lifestyles.

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