Savoring sumptuous Singapore

MANILA, Philippines - Aside from its economic prosperity and cosmopolitan chic, Singapore is also renowned as a haven for food lovers. Given the country’s wide variety of cuisines that cut across different cultures, a visit to Singapore won’t be complete without indulging one’s culinary cravings.

MasterCard recently hosted an exclusive brunch at the Bosch Show Kitchen; a beautifully designed, interactive live kitchen that allows visitors to experience the quality, efficiency and innovation of the full line of Bosch home appliances.   

Chef Armin Leitgeb, a resident chef in Les Amis, touted as one of Singapore’s finest French fine dining restaurants, created a delectable selection of fine food. While working primarily with contemporary European-based cuisine, Chef Armin does not limit himself to a singular style. He enjoys presenting guests with pleasant gastronomic surprises and relishes the reactions that his creations evoke.  

At the Bosch Show Kitchen, Chef Armin whipped up an appetizing menu that consisted of lightly smoked eel “tiede”; crispy pork crouton, horseradish and Dijon mustard emulsion; steamed live prawns, stewed fennel garlic ragout and confit tomatoes; and Kaiserschmarr’n with Californian sultanas.

Without a doubt, the MasterCard brunch at the Bosch Show Kitchen prepared by Chef Armin was a delectable example of Singapore’s renowned culinary variety. In fact, MasterCard cardholders can enjoy Singapore’s famed food choices, thanks to a host of exclusive perks and discounts at many of Singapore’s restaurants. 

Chef Armin shares the “secret” of his delectable creations, so you too can enjoy your own gastronomic delights.  

Lightly smoked eel “TIEDE”


1 fillet cold smoked eel

1 pc                 baguette

8 slices           pork terrine

1/2 pc fresh horseradish

30 g                chopped chives

3 tsps Dijon mustard

2 tsps water

4 tps                corn oil

100 g              mixed baby salad

                        lemon vinaigrette, salt, pepper


Clean and debone the eel and cut it into 16 one-inch pieces

Cut the baguette lengthwise into very thin slices (15 cm long)

Place the pork terrine slices on the baguette slices; season with salt and pepper and pan fry (or plancha) in some oil until crispy on both sides

Combine the mustard with the water and emulsify with the corn oil, season.

Put the eel pieces for 20 seconds in the oven by 150 degrees.


First, place the mustard emulsion on the plate. Place two pieces of the warm eel on the mustard.

Grate the fresh horseradish on the crispy bread, garnish with the chopped chives and put the crispy pork crouton on top of the eel.

Season the salad with the vinaigrette and put on top of the crouton.

Serve lukewarm (tiede).

Steamed live prawns


12 pcs            live prawns

2 pcs               fennel

1 pc                 white onion

1 pc                 garlic

1.5 L               tomato consommé

2 pcs               red chili

                        thyme, salt, pepper

                        and olive oil

Lemon grass, garlic, lime leaves, ginger as a bed for steaming tomato confit, chopped herbs (parsley, chervil and fennel greens)


Cut the lemon grass, garlic, lime leaves and ginger and put it on the steamer tray.

Peel the body of the prawns and place them on top of the vegetables.

Season and steam the prawns for 1 to 2 minutes at 80 degrees.

Slice the fennel, garlic and onions into fine pieces. Season and sauté in a sauce pot until they start to color.

Deglaze with the tomato consommé; add thyme and chili and let it stew until soft. Add chopped confit tomatoes and the chopped herbs.


Place the fennel-garlic stew in a soup plate and put the steamed prawns on top.

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