How to choose the perfect wedding cake

The success of every wedding depends on the stories that circulate after the affair among family, friends and detractors alike. Talk may revolve around what the bride wore, what was served and what the cake was like. Trivial as it may seem, these denominators spell success or disaster for a walk down the aisle.

Some marriages may not always end happily ever after, but a dream wedding sends the couple off to a good start. With blood, sweat and tears – finances, included – poured into the union, the couple should really think twice before breaking up, or, heaven forbid, be the talk of town.

And, yes, the wedding cake. Just like the bridal gown, the cake is one of the wedding’s signature, the crowing glory and centerpiece of the affair.

Nowadays, just about anything goes when it comes to wedding cakes. They come in all shapes, sizes, heights, styles, flavors, colors and decorations, which is why these are exciting times for bakers. This freedom allows bakers to unleash their artistic sensibilities following a couple’s personal taste.

Gone are the days when most wedding cakes were covered in soft, white or ivory icing. The traditional plastic figurines of the bride and groom are now being giving way to today’s popular fresh or silk flowers. Today’s wedding cake also reflects the personal style and taste of the couple.

For the soon-to-wed couple, here are some practical tips when ordering your wedding cake.

Plan and fine-tune all the elements of the wedding before planning on the wedding cake. Take care of the venue, the bridal trousseau, reception and invitations. All these details should be ironed out before thinking about your wedding cake. This is because the cake will be an extension of the visual theme of the wedding, a reflection of its color, motif and style.

Although you will have to book your baker ahead of time, it is best to leave the design of the cake open until all other design elements of the wedding have been refined and completed.

Order your wedding cake based on these two considerations: Will you be serving your wedding cake to your guests? On the other hand, is it just for photographic purposes only?

In many countries and cultures, the wedding cake should taste just as good as it looks, since it will be sliced and plated or individually boxed for the couple’s closest kin and friends as a souvenir.

The wedding cake is the first thing that captures the attention of guests when they go to the reception. Moreover, it is only in the Philippines where the cake served would be grand, an elegant backdrop for the occasion, and be just that – pretty as a picture, with only 10 percent of it edible.

It is the vogue here for the wedding cake to be more of a symbol of the marriage, an elaborate, towering centerpiece, where the gifts would likely be placed under, just like a Christmas tree. You can just imagine the guests’ ooohs and ahhhs when they see such a sight. An image will surely be remembered and captured for digital posterity.

• Scout around for a baker who will best serve your needs.

Do not rely on the first baker you meet by appointment. Ask other couples for recommendations based on their personal experience.

Make sure the baker is someone you are comfortable with and someone who is open to your personal style and preferences. Request for pictures of their past works and their portfolio.

Be specific about the cake design you have in mind.

Consider the following points when conceptualizing your wedding cake:

1. Where will the cake be served? Indoors or outdoors?

Cakes with fondant ideally should be served indoors, preferably in an air-conditioned room. Otherwise, if it were to be served outside, like in a garden wedding, humidity will make the fondant moist and make the icing run.

Cakes with whipped cream or butter icing will melt in displayed outdoors. Be sure this cake is displayed just moments before it is to be served. Otherwise, keep it indoors.

2. How high is the ceiling in the room where the cake will be displayed?

The height of the cake depends on the size of the room. A large room with a high ceiling requires a cake with height and scale.

A suggestion is to add a dummy layer to the cake that will be frosted to match the rest of the cake. Otherwise, the cake may be placed on a raised platform to give it height.

•Design your cake based on your personality and taste.

Go Renaissance, medieval, modern or traditional. What’s important is that you express your personal taste and realize this on your wedding cake.

For instance, when I talked to the wedding coordinator of celebrity couple Yilmaz Bektas and Ruffa Gutierrez, I was briefed on the theme of the wedding. From there, I decided to paint the couple’s wedding cake in bright, daring colors: Burnt orange, lapis lazuli, orange and gold, colors that express their upbeat image and suited to the Turkish theme of the lavish wedding.

With popular couple Dodot Jaworksi and Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski, I felt simplicity and understated elegance to be the key to the wedding. That was why I made a wedding cake in monochromatic pink and pearlized ivory fondant icing.

I encourage brides to take a motif or element from the wedding décor as unifying design for the cake. Mikee requested that the lace design from the wedding gown of her mother, Tingting Cojuangco, be used. It was an added personal touch to the cake.

• Set an appointment with your baker months in advance.

This reminder is especially true during the peak wedding months of December, February and June. The baker would want to give you his undivided attention, and you would demand the same from him. Therefore, a phone call would be very much appreciated. Just to walk in unannounced could lead to disappointment, since the baker might not have the time or give his full time to answer any questions.

• Be realistic. Work within your budget.

Be prepared to pay for the cake decorator’s time and effort. Simple cake designs are the least expensive. The more time and the more complicated the cake design, the more you should be prepared to pay the decorator.

Know ahead of time how much you can pay for a cake, since this will help you choose the appropriate design. Ideally, the wedding cake should be allotted 15 or 20 percent of the total budget for the wedding.

Never scrimp on the wedding cake, because it is the symbol of this significant milestone in your life. Years later, when you look at your wedding album, the wedding cake will always be there to remind you of this day. That moment in time captured in a picture by the photographer can never be repeated again.

• Make sure that you ask for a written copy of your order, with all the important details about the cake and the wedding stated clearly in this contract.

A detailed contract makes sure that everything goes as planned and will help you avoid any unnecessary pitfalls on your wedding day. The contract should have a sketch of the approved design and dimension of the wedding cake, the date and time of delivery, the location of the wedding reception, total price of the cake and the name of the couple. The more detailed the contract, the better.

Booboos have transpired because of the lack of detail regarding the wedding and the cake. I know of bakers delivering the wedding cake to the wrong wedding reception. In this case, both couples had the same maiden and surnames, so it wasn’t surprising that he was at a loss regarding the venue of the reception. Problems, like this, can be easily avoided if adequate information was provided in the contract.

A final word… One of the most romantic moments at any wedding is the time when the couple cut the wedding cake. All eyes are focused on the bride and groom as the serve each other the first slices from their cake, a gesture of how they will be treating each other in their new life together.

Then the impossible happens, ruining the moment. The groom slices through the cake and hits Styrofoam. He tries again, and, once more, slices through Styrofoam. This is a nightmare that happens often, but something that could be easily avoided. The baker should always specify in the contract what layer or portion of the cake is edible and what is not to spare the couple the embarrassment.

No matter how much preparation and planning is made before the wedding, mistakes will happen. Never let this upset your day. Remember that special memories are made up, not only of the things that go right, but of the bloopers, as well. When you look back on your wedding day, you will always remember this funny moment even after three decades and four grownup children.

In the meantime, savor every moment you have planning that walk down the aisle. Just make sure you make that walk with the right person.


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