10 ways to look younger with makeup

“Mascary”: Lindsay Lohan’s heavy-handed makeup not only makes her look older but also like she’s celebrating Halloween

1. Less is more.

As we get older, skin naturally shows signs of damage, thus the more people think they have to conceal.

However, in reality, the more makeup you put on, the older you may look.

Heavy coverage will seep into wrinkles; thick eye shadow will crease; overdrawn lips exaggerate cracks and lines.

Just like we adjust makeup from day to night, we also have to adjust makeup and application techniques as we age. Makeup is a double-edged sword: apply it correctly and it can make you look young and fresh; apply it heavy handedly or with outdated techniques, and it can add years. 

2.  Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

As skin ages, it loses its strength, elasticity and glow. In the Philippines, this is exaggerated by dehydrating air-conditioning and pollution. The aging sets in your lymph glands slow down, reducing the efficiency of your body’s removal of toxins and reducing your youthful glow.

This is why moisturizing is so important. Before putting anything on your face, make sure you have a moisturizer that complements your skin type. Not only does this provide an important base layer and healthy skin, but when combined with SPF protection will also protect your skin from any more damage.

3. Keep concealer fluid.

There are 42 muscles in the human face that allow us to communicate a huge range of expressions and emotions (unless you’ve overdone the Botox). However, using a hardened concealer will only emphasize the wrinkles on your face and, if heavily applied, will crease. Many of the pan-based concealers use a wax base that is hard on the skin.  Instead, use a liquid pencil concealer, which is flexible and light, and easily conceals dark circles and blemishes.

4. Keep foundation liquid.

Tinted moisturizers or lightweight liquid foundations allow your skin to breathe. No one would spend their day wearing Cling Wrap on their face with holes for breathing and seeing. However, heavily applied foundation strangles your skin, which is a living and breathing organ, so don’t overdo the foundation. Another tip is using a yellow-undertone foundation, which makes your skin look warmer and younger. 

5. Use a sponge to apply foundation.

Medium to full coverage of foundation requires the use of a brush. The tendency with age is to use a bigger brush. This is like going from painting a masterpiece to painting the wall of a house. With age, the foundation coverage needs to be sheerer. For this, the perfect tool is a damp sponge. Put the sponge under the faucet, and squeeze out the water. Apply some liquid foundation on the sponge and gently dab it on. The water in the sponge thins out the foundation, giving the ultimate sheer coverage. Remember that the more skin you can see, the better. 

6. Moisture is the key.

The more hydrated your skin looks, the younger you will look. Nothing makes you look older than heavy, powdered formulas, so try to keep more of liquids, creams and gels in your kit that don’t require you to use a brush. 

7. Don’t over-shape your eyebrows.

 Only tweeze if you absolutely must. The truth is when we age, our faces become more asymmetrical and that won’t change by reshaping your brows. As such, keep your brows as natural as possible. When using a brow pencil, use one that is one shade lighter then your brow color. This gives a softer look. 

8. Curl your lashes.

The older we get, the thinner our lashes become. To allow your eyes to pop, curl your lashes and use lengthening mascara. Curling allows them to stay up against gravity and using a lengthening mascara won’t make the lashes too heavy and droopy.

9. Don’t be afraid of shimmer.

After the age of 30, the face loses its natural radiance. Bring the light back to your face! Do not be afraid of shimmers. Apply shimmer eye shadows in the corner of your eyes to make them pop, or even on the face.

When aging, our faces lose fat, making our bone structure sharper. Embrace those natural and beautiful cheekbones and sharp features. Put a little highlight on your cheekbones, on the cupid’s bow of your lip, and a bit on the apples of your cheeks. This gives dimension to your face and will make you glow beautifully. 

10. Go for natural lips. 

Your lip line and natural lip color can begin to fade when you age. Use a lip pencil to trace your lips; do not overdraw them!  Then, using a lipstick that is a natural color that compliments you, fill in your lips. The lip liner helps stop the lipstick from creasing around your lips.

Enhance your features by using makeup but never let it disguise your look. Remember, the more you feel and look like yourself, the more natural and beautiful you are. Have fun and stay beautiful!





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You may reach the author at clarapettersen95@gmail.com.

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