A night of Tonyboy Cojuangco’s guitar work, Joe Marie Chan’s songs & Gary Lising’s silly jokes

Loyalty to one’s alma mater runs strongly in our country and I can truly attest to the Atenean spirit as the men in my life (my husband RJ Jacinto, as well as my son) come from this university. Yearly, there is a show at the RJ Bistro in Dusit Thani Hotel that is put up with the numerous alumni talents who want to get together just for the fun of it.  This time around, music icon Joe Mari Chan treated the crowd with his original songs that have remained favorites for decades.  Business tycoon Tonyboy Cojuangco was a hit with his guitar work, backed up by the Glass Onion Band, followed by funnymen Leo Martinez and Gary Lising who was dressed as a wayward Jesuit priest. The inimitable duo brought the house down with oneliners and silly jokes that kept the crowd in stitches.   Titus Santiago and Bols Erana’s Rockin’ ‘60s gave us fond memories of the best songs of our era when holding hands and receiving handwritten love notes from an admirer were big thrills. 

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Goodbye, Harry

Goodbyes are disheartening when good friends leave. So when US Ambassador Harry Thomas makes his final adieu next month, he will be greatly missed by a huge number of Filipinos from all walks of life.  This is one diplomat who has endeared himself to others with his friendly and approachable ways. Having personally witnessed in public events how he would gladly accommodate strangers when they asked for a photograph despite his close-in security; he would also greet them in colloquial Tagalog.  Jokingly, I once told him that if we charged a dollar for every photo that is taken, he should be a millionaire by now and he laughed wholeheartedly.

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The Jesuit educated Harry Thomas will be returning to the USA with his ladylove Mithi Aquino.

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So long, Techie

Techie Ysmael Bilbao was one of the most in demand models during the 1960s together with her mother, the ever stylish Chona Recto Ysmael Kasten. They stood out for their well-mannered and chic ways. Educated in Europe and Manila, Techie has been in demand for the many trend-setting positions she held through the years in various parts of the globe.  But that home is where the heart is and it is time to return to Palm Beach, Florida, to be in their home base with her sportsman husband, Mike Bilbao.

To Techie and Ambassador Harry, we bid you a fond mabuhay and agree with Robert Louis Stevenson, “A friend is a gift you give yourself.” 

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For comments and ideas, please e-mail:  jacinto.fa@gmail.com

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