WOMAN OF STYLE Rhoda Aldanese: Our (chic) woman in Indonesia

Rhoda Campos-Aldanese believes beauty is empowering and that women should arm themselves with intellectual substance as well as asense of well being. Practising what she preaches: Rhoda Campos-Aldanese herself apparently follows the beauty tips she has been sharing the past 20 years.

MANILA, Philippines -If people in the lifestyle beat associate her name with skincare and well-being, it is because for over two decades, Rhoda Campos-Aldanese was preaching the gospel of beauty.

As the dedicated and hardworking vice president for merchandising at Rustan's, Rhoda brought to the fore all the best brands in the cosmetics industry from around the world that made Rustan's the top Beauty Source  as far as A-listers are concerned. Rhoda practised what she preached. An epitome of style and refinement, Rhoda earnestly shared beauty tips based on what these global brands could deliver, separating truth from hype. She believes beauty is empowering and that women should arm themselves with intellectual substance as well as a sense of well-being.

A new kind of challenge came when MAP, the largest retailing group in Indonesia,invited her to be GM for one of its top brands. Rhoda talks about her shift from Manila to Jakarta and how she continues to be driven by her passion and dedication to work.

You have been in the cosmetics industry for the past 20 years. What was the most fulfilling part of the job?

Working with the beauty consultants and the management team. I worked with the best Manila had and their passion was infectious. Meeting and developing friendships with all our principals who have mentored me along the way. How they have embraced me as one of their own is priceless.

A graceful move: Rhoda Campos-Aldanese talks about embracing a new challenge in Jakarta.

Having gained insights in the beauty business, what are the best beauty tips you can give to women?

Beauty is empowering and it starts with healthy, glowing skin.  

What are your personal favorite must-haves for beauty?

• Cetaphil soap is best because it does an excellent job cleansing and it is very affordable.

• Perricone's Vitamin C Eye Ester Serum, and Clinique's Even Better Eyes

• La Mer cream, a definite must

• Neosporin overnight renewal therapy for the lips

• For fragrance, Acca Kappa and Gendarme. A wardrobe is never complete without a fragrance.

• Clarisonic brush

• Chanel Teint Compact Poudre

What are the myths and truths about cosmetics that you wish to share with women?

Skincare really works. It is not just marketing. It has evolved dramatically as companies put a premium on respect for consumers by ensuring their products produce results.

Skincare has to be coupled with a healthy lifestyle and a good diet. Exercise is a must. Our body is a fantastic piece of "machinery." We need to take care of it. It all starts from within.

You are looking good! What is your daily beauty regimen?

I try as much as I can to exercise and eat healthy. Try, because when you put lechon and chicharon in front of me, that's it I succumb to it! A dear friend once told me, pig is an endangered species because of the way I consume pork.

Cleansing and moisturizing are musts. Daily day and night. You can do away with others but never without these two steps.

How do you describe your personal style?

I go more for casual sportswear pieces, wardrobe basics like crisp white shirts, jeans, casual trousers, something that can be an easy pick and mix. It makes it hassle-free when I have to put things together. I am in an industry that is so fast-paced, so having a wardrobe that I can easily mix and match keeps me going on a faster pace every day.

I also have a fascination for sculpted silhouettes and draping. For my height, this has to be scaled, though.

Who are your favorite designers?

Today, the fashion industry is just bursting with so much talent. It is not like decades ago when you could zero in on one or two. I would always look up to classics like Chanel, Dior and Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino as great designers. Then you have Karl Lagerfeld who is just pure genius for me. Alber Elbaz, Phoebe Philo, Hussein Chalayan has been very consistent all these years. They never cease to amaze me. When Phoebe Philo was on sabbatical for two years, her void was felt in the catwalks. Peter Pilotto and Christopher de Vos make a great team; so do Viktor & Rolf  and Cushnie et Ochs. I also like Martin Margiela, Consuelo Castiglioni, Amaya Arzuaga, Hedi Slimane, Giambattista Valli, Inno Sotto, Pepito Albert, Jojie Lloren, Dennis Lustico. The list is endless.

As a world traveler, what are your favorite shopping places?

Target, I love Target.

For cities, New York, Paris and London are your usual suspects. Aside from having the widest variety of brands, the energy of these cities just make it conducive for discovering and eventually buying. Berlin offers a more eclectic mix and can be very interesting. Istanbul has a great market scene and you can find very good local labels at very good prices.

What would you never wear?

Daisy Duke shorts simply because I do not have the "machinery" for it.

Boots in Manila, it is just way too hot even from December to February, which are supposed to be the coolest months.

What is the most common mistake women commit when it comes to dressing up?

This is difficult because what may seem a mistake to me is not a mistake for them. Fashion is a matter of individual taste and people are free to wear what they want or feel like wearing. If they are happy or comfortable with it, then it is right for them.

You are now based in Jakarta where you have embraced a new challenge.Tell us about it.

Think pink: Going edgy yet elegant in an Alexander McQueen creation in the simply modern Aldanese home

I got the call and really did not think much of it , but something got me excited because of all the hype Bloomberg or CNN say about how remarkable Indonesia is. They flew to Manila, then they flew me to Jakarta so I could see for myself the city. I spoke to really good friends in retail and they have encouraged me to pursue this.  When I first arrived in Jakarta, there were moments when I was thinking, wow, this is such a brave move, what am I doing here? But as months passed by, it has become clearer as to why I am here and I am exactly where I should be at this particular time. To know that is an amazing feeling because it helps you cope professionally and personally with the new culture, new learnings, new discoveries, new discipline, new friends.

How does it feel being an expat  Filipino working woman in Indonesia?

I am truly enjoying it. The Indonesians are genuinely nice, warm and embracing. It is a very young population so I love the exuberance of the city. You will have your usual wild card or the unexpected surprises but the good thing is you also have the ability to transform that into something good or positive.

Fat-free: Exercise is a must for Rhoda, shown here wearing Lulu Lemon.

I work for a publicly listed company so the dynamics are totally different. I love learning  so I am like a student all over again. They are tough and firm but very fair. That makes a whole lot of difference when you are in a new environment.

When we Filipinos think of Indonesia, the first thing that comes to mind is the long lines of people patiently waiting to buy J. Co donuts. It is such a big hit in the Philippines.What other  Indonesian products have we yet to discover?

Yes, there is a whole lot more to discover. the homegrown concepts they have here are just truly mind-boggling. I have met these young entrepreneurs and they are doing phenomenal changes in the current retail and service landscape of Indonesia.

Going classic: Chanel for timeless chic.

There are so many similarities between the Indonesian and Filipino cultures and languages. How easy was it for you to adapt to your new environ?

Jakarta is so huge so it becomes second nature for one to curate and edit experiences via the people you choose to hang out with or places you choose to go to. Adjustment then can be paced. You just take what you want for that moment and give what you can in any given situation. You need to do that, otherwise you will get lost with all the dizzying possibilities the city can offer.

What is the best thing you love about Indonesia?

The people I meet socially and work with, Bali, nasi goreng, gado-gado. I am told there is still so much more to discover.

Simply fab: Rhoda likes the lines of Fendi.

What do you miss most from the Philippines?

My family and friends. I am truly blessed to have them, they have been consistent and very supportive. I guess it is because you share the same value system so you tend to gravitate towards each other. And when you are together it is just happiness to the max.

Your husband Vince Aldanese's  Villa del Conte chocolate is doing well in the Philippines. He has marketed these chocolates from Italy in a very creative way, even packaging them to suit weddings and other occasions. Are there any new products he plans to bring in to the Philippines?

Right now he is passionate about Villa del Conte. There are other options being offered to him but he wants to be focused for now. I love his chocolates, too, and I am extremely proud of his accomplishment.

Love, life and chocolates: Vince Aldanese and wife Rhoda believe feel-good lift.

You and Vince make a good couple. Any formula or success secret you'd like to share with other couples?

Listening. Laughter. Love.

Communication setting aside time to talk. Compromise making commitments.

You have met a lot of  icons and achievers in business.Who are the ones you particularly admire?

It has been over two decades that I have been in the industry and the accumulation of wealth in knowledge from the worldwide leaders I have worked with will be difficult to compress here.  It is noteworthy to mention though the starts-ups that I have witnessed blossom like: Laura Mercier, Nars, Dermalogica, Annick Goutal, L'Occitane... meeting the founders while they were still small and unknown. One common factor across all was it never occurred to them that success will not happen. Their drive and determination were inspiring. Their energy was unstoppable. Their desire for continuous improvement, their generosity to share their knowledge, commitment to excellence were elements that got them to where they are now.

As a career woman, what are the lessons you have learned in life and in the real world of business?

No pain, no gain. Things just don't happen. You have to work at it. When you reach or exceed objectives, the rewards  that go with it are fulfilling because the hard work that goes with it gives it more meaning.

It is the same in life, the pains that go with pregnancy and giving birth are nothing when you feel bliss the moment you lay eyes on your child.

You want to have a great or healthy body, you need to exercise and sweat it out in the gym, you need to control excesses or indulgences in food, you have to be disciplined to achieve your goals.

Passion is what will get you through the difficulties in life or in the workplace. It is easy to persevere and commit when the passion is there.

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