Nedy Tantoco pays tribute to Mari Borao

A celebration of Mari Borao’s life was hosted by his friends who considered him their family: Nedy Tantoco and Patrick Jacinto, Irene and Randy Francisco, Diana Jean Lopez, Mario Katigbak and Mel Meer. Nedy said she wanted it to be “an evening of remembrance as we share with one another all the precious memories of Mari, who loved life and lived it to the fullest. He exuded so much positive-ness that made people so easily drawn to him and we pay tribute to an exceptionally endearing person and a dear friend who has gone ahead, but who will always live in our hearts.”

After mass was offered in his honor by Msgr. Chito Bernardo in the Tantoco chapel, there was a delicious dinner that included his favorite kare-kare and adobo as well as Ado Escudero’s special sinumak. Considering that Mari lived in Madrid for 50 years, his palate was still very Filipino and he often ended his meals with a glass of Coca-Cola instead of the ubiquitous wine that Europeans accompany their repasts with.

Nedy’s Forbes Park sala had three life-sized photos of Mari and his favorite dancing music, which made us all feel that he was around to enjoy the festivities in his honor with his zest for life that was infectious. He could out-dance and out-twist anyone half his age and oftentimes, we, his dance partners, would give up, but Mari was still good for another hour … or two or three.

Mari Borao was the best companion to have by one’s side. He never, ever spoke ill of anyone and was always extolling the beauty of the Philippines and his travel experiences from Luzon to the Visayas and Mindanao; he would have been a perfect ambassador of goodwill. The latest kwento we shared was his interesting zipline trip in Cagayan de Oro and the Segway White Knight tour in Intramuros that he excitedly mentioned would make my family and I see the old, historical city in another light.
Mari, until we meet again in the not so near future, you will always be in our hearts and minds.

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