Woman of Style: Mikaela Lagdameo-Martinez finds the freedom to fly

MANILA, Philippines - Mikaela Lagdameo-Martinez always had an entrepreneurial spirit — even back in grade school she would be peddling Jelly-Ace to her classmates at P2.50 a pop. “I was always selling something. I’d get stuff from the kitchen, or sell toys that I didn’t use,” she recalls. And it came natural to her, talking about products she likes and believes in rather than pushing a hard sales pitch. “I have the power of convincing,” she grins.

So it shouldn’t be so much of a surprise that this 24-year-old keeps her hands busy stirring many different pots. The full-time model now owns part of the agency she’s been working for since she was 15. “Vice president of Elan” is not too shabby at all, and add to that her own quarterly magazine called Luxe, where she is also the associate editor. “My partner is the publisher, and everything is just me and her. It’s a project we do for fun,” Mikaela says. “I come up with the whole concept of the magazine, whatever I feel like I just put in there.”

Another side business she runs with her husband Chucho Martinez and his sisters is Gourmet Pao, a food company that makes giant siopaos in unusual flavors like bacon and cheese, and spicy tuna with capers. But while she’s booked for numerous shoots, endorsing Cebuano clothing brand Loalde and running 5k races twice a month, Mikaela is still first and foremost the mother of two — yes, this lithe, fresh-faced young lady is actually a very hands-on model mommy to five-year-old Noelle and one-year-old Tyler. “We paint together, draw on the floor, go to the park, go swimming, take music classes,” she shares. “My son loves to go grocery shopping with me. That’s my bonding time. Sometimes we just dance, the four of us.”

Little Noelle is already starting to take after her stylish mother. With fashion shows and print ads under her tiny belt, the budding fashionista chooses to dress and shop for herself and even has a Looklet account. “Sometimes she tells me which shoes or bag to wear,” Mikaela laughs. “She’s really good. When I was five I wasn’t like that.”

Up Mikaela’s sleeve next is hosting. “It’s something I’ve never really tapped into, but I’ve been asked a lot,” she says. She initially turned down gigs because she was scared, but decided to take on the challenge in the coming year, believing that the offers must be coming for a reason. The formerly shy girl hated being in front of the camera, but forced herself to overcome her fear just by facing it, and will now do the same with a microphone and large crowd. She counts herself lucky in the sense that opportunities seem to come her way without her really having to seek them out. So she keeps herself open, testing new waters and discovering that she can, in fact, swim in them.”Things just come, and I go for them.”

PHILIPPINE STAR: You’ve achieved a lot at 24, an age where many people are still trying to find themselves, or going through a “quarter-life crisis.” Do you feel like you’ve skipped out on this?

MIKAELA LAGDAMEO-MARTINEZ: Not at all. I am driven because of my life now. My husband and children are the reason I’ve accomplished so much.

As a young teenage model, you learned how to be responsible with money at an early age. What was the first thing you bought for yourself that made you really feel like an adult?

Well, the first ever check I got from modeling, I gave it all to my church. That was something that meant a lot to me, but I wanted to honor God with it. I had no hesitation.

Is there anything you’d like to protect your daughter from in the modeling industry (especially since she’s started even much younger?)

In reality, there’s really only so much I can do to protect her; my concern and responsibility is in her character. I have to make sure that even if she may come across any difficulty, not just in the industry, but in life as well, I want her to be confident and face it like nothing’s impossible.

Let’s say you didn’t have a family or a lot of responsibilities right now, what’s the one crazy thing you’d like to do?

I’d most likely be a flight attendant and live in different countries on my own.

What is your no-fail outfit?

Shorts, white polo, accessories, flats...and switch to heels for night.

Do you have any fundamental rules of dressing?

None really.

Which style icons do you admire? 

Victoria Beckham and Sienna Miller.

In 10 years you’d like to see yourself....

A billionaire. Seriously. Seriously. Seriously. I see myself running a multi-billion company. Who knows? Something’s gotta work. Ten years is a lot of time. If others could do it in their 40s, I’ve got a headstart!

Advice for being a super-mom/career woman?

Know your priorities and take time to make time. Life doesn’t end when you’re married and when you’ve got kids...It only begins there! In fact, it’s the whole reason why I’m so driven.

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