Dove ladies show love for badminton

Sports activities are not the sole realm of sweaty and aggressive men. Badminton is a rare sport that allows women to be fit or to compete without losing their grace or femininity. And besides, it fosters female bonding. According to Dove senior brand manager Alex Tacderas, badminton "is a game that creates total physical and emotional bonding among women."

Generally, women who are into fitness either go to the gym alone, work out with a hunky trainer, or exercise with friends. (I prefer hitting the exercise machine with friends since it keeps me updated on the latest gossips as well.) Now, with badminton, women have another means to get in shape as well as get the latest scoop. Sharing a love for badminton, in most cases, even leads to lasting friendships, adds Tacderas.

This was the philosophy behind the first-ever Dove All-Women Badminton Tournament recently organized by Dove. The competition – which began last May all over the archipelago – attracted 426 pairs from Luzon, 15 from Visayas and 24 from Mindanao, with Dove spreading the word about the tilt via posters, 24-hour hotline and a website. And this event was the perfect opportunity to see women compete for the love of the game.

Some of the participants (and eventual champs) include model Gem Padilla and Mariel Tiangco; Emirose Caidic and Melissa Ravena; Charlene Yong and Deborah Ho Cua from Visayas; and Lennie Tiu and Kristin Lu from Mindanao.

These girls are very serious about the sport. They engage in three hours of drill sessions with trainers everyday. Sadly, I never go into badminton. Being a night owl, I have a difficult time getting out of bed at 6 a.m. But I really admire women like the Dove finalists who embody discipline and dedication. I can’t even imagine waking up early in the morning and playing for hours every single day. But it’s a way of life for these girls. A healthy addiction, indeed!

Prizes up for grabs in the Dove tournament include a trip to Hong Kong, spa packages and badminton gear. But for those serious about sports, participation itself is the grand prize.

"Badminton is not just about fitness and total well-being," Tacderas says. "It is also about harmonious living and bonding – sharing your blood, sweat and tears with your partner. And having your family or support group cheer you on is the best prize that you can get from this tournament."

Since Dove is all about ensuring every Filipina that beauty is attainable despite imperfections, female badminton lovers shouldn’t worry about shedding bucketsful of sweat every time they play the sport they love. They could still retain their grace and glamour, and always be smashing.

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