The three-day diet redux

Dear Mary,

My sister told me to follow your 3-Day Diet before and I lost 10 pounds. Unfortunately, after a month-long vacation, I gained those pounds again.

Can you please publish that simple diet again? I lost my copy when I accidentally shred it with my old files. Thanks.


While the 3-Day Diet is an effective way to lose weight, remember that individual weight loss may vary, but most people will lose 10 pounds in three days following the said diet. As with any weight loss program, sensible eating habits will contribute to overall weight loss. It’s also important not to take a snack in between meals.
1st Day
black coffee or tea
1/2 grapefruit
1 slice of toast
2 tbsps. peanut butter


1/2 cup of tuna
1 slice of toast
coffee or tea


2 slices any type of meat (about 3 oz.)
1 cup string beans
1 cup peas or carrots
1 small apple
1 cup lowfat frozen yogurt
2nd Day
1 egg
1/2 banana
1 slice of toast
black coffee or tea


1 cup of cottage cheese
5 saltine crackers


1 skinless chicken breast
1 cup broccoli
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup lowfat frozen yogurt
3rd Day
5 saltine crackers
1 slice of cheddar cheese
1 small apple
black coffee or tea


1 hard-boiled egg
1 slice of toast


1 cup of tuna
1 cup of peas or carrots
1 cup of cauliflower
1/2 cantaloupe
1/2 cup lowfat frozen yogurt

The diet works on chemical breakdowns and has been proven effective. Do not vary or substitute any of the above foods. No other seasoning should be used except salt and pepper. Where no quantity is given, there are no restrictions other than common sense. This diet is to be used three days at a time. Fluid consumption is important. You may have all the coffee, tea, or water that you want. If possible, drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Artificial sweetener and lemon may be used. Refrain from drinking any cola or other carbonated beverages during the three-day diet because the carbonation will slow down the chemical breakdown.

In three days, you can lose up to 10 pounds. After three days of dieting, you may eat normal food, but do not overdo it. After your four days of normal eating, go back to your 3-Day Diet. As with any diet, contact your physician, and get his advice concerning exercise and fluid intake.

For best results, follow the diet strictly. If you must substitute items, you’re limited to three choices throughout the entire menu, as follows: Grapefruit – pink grapefruit or an orange; peanut butter – boiled/poached egg or banana; cauliflower – lettuce or cabbage; tuna – skinless chicken/turkey or fresh fish; beets – carrots or peas; yogurt – ice milk (6 ozs.); cottage cheese – nonfat vanilla yogurt or 2 ozs. lowfat cheese; broccoli – cauliflower, cabbage or lettuce; cantaloupe – watermelon or honeydew; eggs – 4-6 ozs. skim milk or 1 cup nonfat plain yogurt.

It is important that you drink 64 ozs. of water each day. You may have all the crystal light coffee or tea (with artificial sweetener) during your diet.

Here’s a list of foods to avoid on your four days off: Bacon, butter, cake, candy bars, chocolate, clams, cream, coffee creamer, fatty meals, french fries, fried foods, fried fish, fried poultry, honey, lobster, margarine, olives, oysters, pickles, pie, pizza, pudding mix, salad oil, salt, salted chips, salted snacks, sausage, scallops, soda pop, soup mixes, sour cream, sugar, and sugar cereals.

The following are recommended during your four days off: Beans, oats, bran, tofu, peas, sprouts, cabbage, squash, herb tea, pineapple, collards, brussel sprouts, skinless turkey, spinach, carrots, apples, apricots, peaches, oranges, bananas, grapefruit, artichokes, eggs, mustard greens, pears, skinless chicken, tomatoes, celery, kidney beans, broccoli, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, watercress, cottage cheese, green peppers, parsley, strawberries, cherries, turnip greens, onions, brown rice, cucumbers, whole grain foods, lean beef/lamb, veal, eggplant, peanut butter, cauliflower, turnips, cantaloupe, beets, granola, skim milk, watermelon, lima beans, vegetable juices, lowfat yogurt, dried fruits.

Recommended calories on your four days off are 1,200 to 1,500 for men and 1,000 to 1,200 for women. Good luck!

What To Wear In Your Hair
Dear Tingting,

Are ribbons or flowers on the hair in again?


Try a scarf. Scarves more appropriate and stylish for today. Ribbons are pretty and feminine, but wear a smaller one, something not too big. That goes for flowers, too. Wait till summer (March to April-May), when a bigger flower in the hair may be appropriate.

Treating Back Acne
Hi Lucy!

I have pimples on my back and it really annoys me. I can’t wear backless clothes or even a swimsuit during summer because of my pimples. Being a mere government employee, I don’t have extra budget to consult a dermatologist. Is there something I can apply on the black marks on my back which is affordable yet effective? I am now using the soap (Acne Aid) which I read in your column, but I still need to apply something that would get rid of those marks. Please help!


To get rid of the black marks, perhaps you should consider applying a whitening product that you can buy over the counter of any drugstore. Finding one shouldn’t be a problem these days because whitening products are the beauty must-haves of the moment and there are at least a dozen affordable choices out there – both local and imported. But before applying the whitening cream, maybe you can also try using a whitening astringent on your back. I’ve heard of people with back acne who swear by this dual regimen.


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