4 'kering-keri' tips to keep it together during the pandemic

Keeping our minds towards one goal will help us keep it together. To make it easier, here are tips that can help us survive this pandemic.
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MANILA, Philippines — No one was prepared for what 2020 would bring. With the future of the world still so unclear due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all we can do is pray for a medical breakthrough while doing everything we can in order to get by.

Luckily, this is not a new concept for us Filipinos. We have faced a lot of trials, challenges and painful experiences, yet here we are still smiling — still standing. In fact, if you ask any Filipino how they have been handling this global pandemic, they would probably tell you to keep one thing in mind, and that is to survive.

Keeping our minds toward one goal will help us keep it together. To make it easier, here are four kering-keri tips that can help us survive this pandemic:

1. Be healthy

Several studies claim that building our immune system can help fight COVID-19. In order to do this, we need to take care of our bodies by consuming healthy food, getting enough rest, doing regular exercise, drinking lots of water and taking vitamins.

However, aside from just physical health, we should also check our mental health. Talking to friends, avoiding stress triggers and creating a routine for our day-to-day activities are just some of the things that could help us keep our minds in check during the quarantine.

2. Protect each other

COVID-19 is said to be easily transmitted from one person to another. With this, it is very important that we protect each other by following sanitary guidelines such as regularly washing our hands, wearing masks, using alcohol or sanitizers and maintaining a safe distance from others. This way, we not only protect ourselves but also those we encounter in our day to day lives.

3. Ensure basic necessities

Make sure that you have a grocery supply that’s good for at least two weeks. This is to ensure that if an emergency lockdown is suddenly implemented in your area, you’ll have enough resources to keep you going. If this is a problem because of financial constraints, you can always go to Villarica Pawnshop and avail of their pawning service as a quick solution.

4. Keep, spread a positive mindset

No matter what life throws at us, we must never forget that this too shall pass. Having this belief will keep us going during challenging times. However, aside from this, other activities that we can do to help us maintain a positive attitude are limiting social media consumption, doing small acts of kindness and practicing gratefulness daily.

With these tips, we can definitely get through this pandemic. After all, Filipinos are known for our unending resilience. Kaya naman siguradong kering-keri natin ito!


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