GE employees, families and friends unite in fight against cancer

GE employees, their families and friends form a human pink ribbon, while waving pink and white balloons during GE’s observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) last month.

MANILA, Philippines - A giant human pink ribbon, the color of hope for many who wage a crusade to fight breast cancer, stood out against a backdrop of green at the ASCOM Football Field in Fort Bonifacio last Oct. 26. The symbolic event, spearheaded by GE employees, their families and friends, highlighted the company’s observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) and echoed GE Healthcare’s ongoing global initiative to raise awareness on the importance of early detection and prevention to help fight this disease.

GE invited key speakers to educate participants about breast cancer. Insightful information such as global studies, latest research and the incidence of breast cancer among Filipino women were among the topics discussed during the forum.

As the event drew to a close, the participants formed a human pink ribbon while waving pink and white balloons. A healthymagination walk around the football field followed.

“For the past 50 years, GE Healthcare has been at the forefront of innovations that help aid physicians and health institutions in battling breast cancer. We at GE Philippines share the company’s global vision of a healthier and better world. We are proud to be part of a country-wide campaign that initiates significant steps geared towards fighting breast cancer through early detection and healthy living,” said Jocot de Dios, CEO of GE Philippines.

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