She doesn't want to 'friend' old classmates on Facebook

Dear Nanay,

I always get a lot of invitations from people to be their Facebook friend. But these people are people I went to grade school with or were my classmates in high school who I am not really interested in talking to. In other words, they are not really my friends and nakiki-Facebook lang sila. I am dyahe to not accept them but at the same time I don’t really want to accept them as my friend. What can I do?



Dear Angel,

One of the wonderful things about your friends is the fact that you have the right to choose who they are. You cannot be forced into a friendship that you do not want to be a part of … whether it is in real life or on the Internet.

I think a good criterion for websites like Facebook where you will post your pictures and videos is to ask yourself: “If this person comes to my house, would I want to show her my photo albums? Do I want to share intimate information about my family with her? Will I even invite this person to my house at all?” If you cannot answer “yes,” then maybe you should really think about whether or not you want to include this person in your “inner circle” of friends who have access to your account. 

Kung nahihiya ka at napipilitan ka lang isama sila sa “friends” mo (If you’re embarrassed and feel you’re being forced into accepting them as friends), then maybe you can set up two different accounts. You can use one just to “be friends” with everyone para wala silang masabi. Then the other one you can use for your real friends where you will post your pictures, videos and other personal items.



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Stating widowhood on a wedding invitation

Dear Nanay,

I am a widow of two years. My daughter is getting married and I want your opinion regarding the wording of the invitation. I still see a lot of invitations that have the printed name of the deceased partner with a cross after the name. I see this as wrong. Should we just put my name like “Cornelia Go vda. de Teofilo Go” or simply “Cornelia Go”?

Cornelia Go


Dear Cornelia,

If you do not want to use the cross and instead want to use the phrase “viuda de,” then the proper way to do it is to say “Cornelia <your maiden name> Vda. De Teofilo Go.”

I think what you want to do is a great way of honoring your late husband. Another suggestion might be to have your daughter say something about her father at some point during the wedding ceremonies. A short prayer or just a simple message of thanks might be a nice addition to all the festivities.



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