Her husband thinks playing lotto is their ticket out of poverty

Dear Nanay,

Our family is not rich and like many other families we are always struggling to make ends meet. In spite of this my husband always goes out and plays lotto. Every day he buys several tickets thinking that winning the lotto is the solution to our hardships. I keep telling him that it is useless to play because he will never win, but he does not listen to me. It is just a waste of money. Am I right?


Dear JY,

I think what your husband needs to realize about the lotto is that it is still a form of gambling. You bet a small amount of money in the hopes that you will win a big amount. And like most forms of gambling, you have to be careful because it might become addicting and your chances of winning are almost nil. Yes, baka maka tsamba ka (you might get lucky), but what are the chances? Halos wala. (Almost none.)

This is especially true since your husband is apparently betting relatively bigger amounts. Hindi siya paisa-isa bumili. (He doesn’t buy just one ticket at a time.) And if these funds are much needed for your family, then I agree he should stop or at the very least cut back significantly.

You have to talk to him and tell him na sayang naman yung pera kung lagi lang niya isusugal (that money spent on gambling is wasted). Sayang naman yung pinaghihirapan ninyo. (All your hard work is going to waste.) If he will not stop completely, maybe you need to find a compromise. You have to get him to stop a little at a time. Maybe compromise and let him play once a week. And then reduce that to once a month, then once every two months. Do this until you can find a level that is more comfortable for your income or you can get him to quit completely. Parang paninigarilyo lang iyan, diba? (It’s like quitting smoking, isn’t it?)

In most cases, playing the lotto is acceptable if it is done in moderation. Wag lang sobra. (Just not too much.) Spending all your money buying tickets is not the key to becoming rich. The money is better used elsewhere.

Look at it from an investment point of view and ask yourself, “Is this a good place to invest my money?” Without a doubt, the answer will be a resounding “no.” So you have to make sure that you play responsibly.



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Teenaged & Pregnant

Dear Nanay,

I am only 17 years old. I got pregnant and now my boyfriend is nowhere to be found. I am so scared about my future and having to give up all my dreams that I want to have an abortion. My parents have been very supportive and told me that they would help me raise the child and that I should not have the abortion. But is it not my right to decide what happens?


Dear K,

I am not sure if it is your right to decide, but if you ask me, you cannot get the abortion. It is a mortal sin. No matter how difficult it will be for you, your family or the baby, abortion is completely out of the question and there is no need to elaborate.



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