Phoemela Baranda floats like a butterfly and stings like Ali

Phoemela Baranda – Professional Models Association of the Philippines (PMAP) board member – is determined to help models like her become more exacting in the fees that they collect and the work that is expected of them. Many models today have to work in an environment not defined by any guidelines. As PR for the group, the 23-year-old Phoemela knows that seasoned models need to unite to demand fair working conditions.

Our pretty bachelorette, who stands 5’8", feels lucky that she projects well as a ramp, TV and print model; the Century Tuna and Nizoral shampoo ads she just completed for TV will be aired soon.

As she aspires to progress into an acting career, Phoemela reflects on topics such as not keeping her word, boxing and feeling like a princess in a never-ending story.

What book influenced your life?

Memoirs of a Geisha
. I’m trying to compare myself to the characters – am I the simple girl who gets prettier or am I the striking girl who has character?

What is your favorite journey?

It was amazing to be the model for De Beers, the diamond company, in Florence, Italy. I drove a Porsche and went shooting on locations that tourists will never see.

Which living person do you admire most?

My mom, Prosy, who showed me how to live a simple life. With the world I am living in now, she keeps me grounded. I admire her courage. My dad had a stroke and passed away two years ago. He always asked me to take care of my mom.

What is your passion?

Clothes. I love to express myself with the way I dress up.

What sports/hobbies do you like most?

Yoga and boxing in Gold’s Gym.

What film influenced your life?

The Never Ending Story
makes me feel like a princess in a never-ending story.

What is your greatest fear?

To lose myself. I fear that I might not be aware that I’m turning into someone not good. In modeling, the work gives you an illusion of glamour.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Sometimes I cannot keep my word.

What do you dislike most about your appearance?

I am flat in the wrong places.

What is your motto?

I always tell myself, "Live life to the fullest."

What is your current state of mind?

Focused on my career.

If you had the chance to change something in your life, what would that be?

I would have spent more time with my dad. He died when I had just graduated from college. He was calling me a lot but because I was studying and modeling, I kept saying, "I am busy."

What is your greatest extravagance?

Going to expensive spas.

Name a moment that brings back happy memories.

My graduation day from St. Benilde when I felt so fulfilled and saw the smile on my dad’s face. It was very hard for me to balance work and study.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?


What makes you laugh?

Watching TV.

What is the quality you most like in a man?

Strong principles.

What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Great respect for herself, and with high moral values.

Name an embarrassing moment at work.

I used a silicon bra pad in a water scene pictorial. When I was swimming, the photographer and stylist noticed that the silicon pad was gone.

What do you most do with your hands?

Fix my hair.
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