Dr. Francisco Lopez, the bone ranger

Training to become an oncologist, hematologist and bone marrow transplant specialist took 21 years of learning for Dr. Francisco Lopez. From the time he graduated from high school at Ateneo in 1980, Francis, 39, studied at UST, interned at Makati Medical Center, passed the boards here then went on to America where he repeated his internal medicine training to enable him to pass the boards there.

Being a foreigner in America meant that he had to excel, so he focused on his studies which included two years at the City of Hope National Medical Center in California. America is different, he says, because the curriculum there emphasizes recent findings, evidence- based treatment and current research.

Within a month of his return to the Philippines, Francis has set up his clinic in the Asian Hospital and teamed up with a breast surgeon.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Being non-committal. Many Filipinos are not given the responsibility of committing; they are not assertive in saying what they think.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

I have improved on my temper. Being a doctor, I am obsessive compulsive and when things don’t turn out as they are planned, then...

What is your thrill?

Doing something I have never done before. Recently, I drove from LA to Yosemite, Napa Valley and did some climbing for 10 days. Fun.

What do you lie about?

My waistline.

What film influenced your life?

A Beautiful Mind.

If you had the chance to change something in your life, what would that be?

Learning how to relax. My eight years in the States were focused on studying.

What is your greatest fear?

Not to achieve what I want to achieve.

What is your greatest extravagance?

I pamper myself when I go on a trip; relax more, eat in fancy restaurants.

What words or phrases do you overuse?

Miracles do happen.

What sounds do you love?

Joey 92.3 FM.

Which historical character would you like to have been?

Locally, Ninoy Aquino. He was determined to come home to the Philippines and he did.

Name a moment that brings back happy memories.

Giving good news to my patients, "You have no more leukemia."

Which famous quotation would you have wanted to be the author of?

Happiness is seeing my patients smile.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Hunger. Lack of knowledge.

What sports do you like most?

Swimming. I did a lot of biking in Rhode Island. We have a bike path of 17 miles that went through downtown Providence to the Yacht Club.
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E-mail: singles@mydestiny.net

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