Neptali Gonzales II on his own

Boyet Gonzales, 47, is the easy-to-love Majority Floor Leader and congressman of Mandaluyong. Smiles and laughter surround this approachable gentleman whose life sparkles with history, having been born into a prominent family, succeeding in his law career and shining in his own political stage.

The trickle of water that runs from his faucet in his office belies the floods he gets in the ground floor of his home when the rains come. But he takes this in stride. Thank goodness that his positive attitude finds the humor in his situation as he asks the people around him to stop talking about whether or not he will get married again some day.

On what occasion do you lie?

Now that I have to answer only to my daughter, I lie on the normal occasions that men lie.

Which political leader do you most identify with?

My father, Neptali Gonzales. In his three terms as Senate President and 30 years of public service, he decided on issues with a sense of objectivity.

Who or what is the greatest love of your life?

Aside from my mother, Candida, and daughter, Nani, I loved Joy, my wife, who died in May this year. We were together for 37 years!

What is your most fervent wish?

Help. I need guidance now because I find myself in limbo. If my friends would not pressure me to fall in or out of marriage, that would be better.

Where would you like to go for a romantic evening?

For starters, somewhere with subdued lighting, piano music and a good dinner.

How do you resolve your conflicts?

The nature of my job is to identify conflicts and air these out so that we can resolve issues. My humor is strong and my patience is long, so at the end of my string, there is still another yard left.

What sports do you like most?

Golf at 6:30 a.m. in Wack Wack. I have a handicap of 20.

Where would you like to live?

There is no place like Mandaluyong for me. For seven years now I have been active in politics in my district. Knowing that I have made a difference where I live feels wonderful. I go often to the market because I love cooking. It is the way I achieve my balance...

What film influenced your life?

Paper Chase
where a Harvard law student struggles through his conflict of what to study. I also had to shift from engineering when I realized that I was poor in numbers. My parents wanted me to study political science and law so I had to accept that they were right.

Which hero of fiction can you identify with?

Not as adventurous as Indiana Jones. More like Andy Garcia in When a Man Loves a Woman when he was with Meg Ryan helping her through her alcoholism and recovery.

What is your greatest fear?

Will I still be needed after my third term? Will anyone love my daughter the way I do? Will I be alone and have no one beside me when I’m old?

How has your character changed since childhood?

Growing up in the limelight of my father’s position made me want to stay away from attention. I would be quiet in the background hoping that no one would notice me. Because of my role now in public life, my true nature has emerged and I realize that I very much enjoy meeting people.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

My heart rules over my mind, my intellect. Sometimes, these emotions get me in trouble.

How would you describe your career?

So far, so good. I was the unanimous choice to be the majority floor leader of all the candidates for speakers.

How do you start your day?

Early – rise at 5:30 a.m. and read newspapers. Then I wake up my daughter for school. About twice a week, I get ready for golf.

What is your motto?

"He who wishes to be great amongst you must be your servant. And he who wants to be first, must be the slave."

If you had the chance to change something in your life, what would that be?

Be more assertive. Opportunities pass me by because I do not assert my rights.

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