Sion captures the soul and beauty of the South

MANILA, Philippines - Renowned portrait artist Edwin Sion presents his latest works in watercolor, pastel and his signature sepia in an exhibit that opens on Aug. 12 at the Marco Polo Hotel Davao. The show is on view until Aug. 15.

Sion first became known in the ’80s for his portraits that are characterized by their classic, dreamlike quality. In a glance, those knowledgeable of local portraiture can easily spot Sion’s works because of his distinct soulful style. Critics have described how Sion puts life in a portrait by pouring his talents into emphasizing his subjects’ eyes and making them the focal point of the artwork. 

Sion’s most famous work is the portrait of President Corazon C. Aquino that appeared in The Fookien Times’ Philippines Yearbook 1986-1987. Appointed the official portrait artist during the Aquino administration, his portraits of US First Lady Hillary Clinton, Japanese Prime Minister Noburo Takeshita, Taiwanese President Li Teng Hui, and US Secretary of State George Shultz were all given as gifts by Malacañang. Sion was likewise commissioned to do the portraits of all the country’s House Speakers, which proudly grace the walls of Congress. 

A Fine Arts graduate from the Philippine Women’s University, Sion also gained international exposure when he was invited to join an exhibit of Filipino artists at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York in 1993.

In recent months Sion has become Davao’s portrait artist of choice as the local art scene recognized the man’s extraordinary talent. Among his clients are socialites, business executives and politicians in the region that include Sonny Dominguez, Amylou and Cherilyn Uy, and Mr. and Mrs. Jonjon Ramirez

“The portrait is very soft and fluid,” says Mathijs Henri Marie Philip G. Aarts whose portrait of his wife Amylou was beautifully done by Sion. “Edwin has a way of focusing on the face but the background suddenly grabs at you and the totality of the portrait seems to come alive. He is able to capture the personality of his subject and projects it very well.”

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For details, call the Marco Polo Hotel at (6382)221-0888 local 7301. A gallery of some of Sion’s portraits can be viewed on For inquiries on Ed Sion’s portraits, call Thess Sion at 454-2094, SMS 0917-9486494, or e-mail

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