
Illustration by Jaymee L. Amores

There, I caught your attention with my title — Nuni-nuni — which brings me to remember comedian Robin Williams in a vastly popular 1980s Mork & Mindy TV series where he plays an extra-terrestrial. “Nanu-nanu” was a phrase he would say when he was trying to connect to his planet Ork. Online sources define “nuni” as the Gur language of the Nuba people of Burkina Faso in West Africa. OK, so that’s hard to understand. And that’s the core of being “nuni-nuni” — it’s someone that the mundane world cannot understand because he is just way off, unable to connect to mainstream, differently tuned-in. These Nunis are often attracted to all the alternatives like healing, energy, extra-sensory, aliens, sacred sites, the stars, remote viewing, and all these other non-trad cosmic, consciousness stuff. Let’s add on here, too, the artistic, scientific and highly-technical Nunis who rely on that creative energy of bringing down blueprints from the ethers to create new innovations in those fields.

Lumped under “Nuni-nuni” is also the New Age information and practices everyone can now read about on the Internet and social media. Quantum Physics, Kabbalah, Numerology, Astrology, Sound and Light vibrational practices, Remote Viewing, Energy Healing through energy centers of the body, meditation techniques — all with their hidden knowledge. Oh, sorry, not hidden anymore. It’s actually ancient wisdom brought to the public. Ancient perennial wisdom and supporting practices relevant as templates to be used for humanity’s consciousness shifting.

Recently, I was invited to give a talk to healers. I have known of this informal healing group for decades but never really had a chance to get there. I finally did and saw a whole group of people learning and training in all sorts of modalities: Theta healing, Reiki, millennium cards, essences, etc. It was like coming home. I told them this reminded me of the school in the movie X-Men. (The X-Mansion is the common name for Professor Xavier’s mansion. It is the base of operations and training site of the X-Men and the location of a school for mutant teenagers, and sometimes older-aged mutants).

This is not the first Nuni-Nuni circle I have been in. Through decades, I seem to have met so many of them — and what I have seen is the rising groups of people wanting to make sense of their own gifts, their missions, many of them old souls awaking during these shifting times of the planet. What is happening is a concerted effort of many towards collaborations and groupings to answer pressing needs in our world, to create new forms from all systems that don’t work anymore. Wow, things are just going so fast! People are experiencing spontaneous awakening to new talents and abilities that also bring new opportunities. Literally — by the accelerating speed of light!

I was asked to talk about the shifting energies of the times in that Healer’s Circle. Very intense planetarial positions recently have triggered new energies to be unleashed. 2015 to 2017 will be very cathartic years not only for Earth and climate changes, but humanity itself will be forced to really awaken deep inside through pressures of illness, disease, relationships shifting as we try to shake off the lower ego desires, and the redefinition of the foundations of economic and financial security. Pluto and Uranus are two planets whose energies move around the theme of cathartic change, letting go, things falling apart or fall-out and re-integration, deep-seated belief systems radically upturned and we will see this with whatever institutional structures trying to innovate new ways around old beliefs and practices. Saturn in Sagittarius is about all of us seeing the bigger broader picture, and again, it’s all about pairing down to the simplest basics, in our daily activities, our life priorities, our food processes and intakes, and how we work our thoughts. Basics that are positive. Basics that are sustainable.

All belief systems are being forced to see things from a different perspective. Forget what we believe in…just look at what’s happening out there! When madmen kill with wild abandon to create horrible atrocities — the question is not what is the belief system, but the very core of respect for life and humanity is what we grapple with. When multinationals pollute the waters and the Earth for selfish motives, we grapple with the destruction of our natural resources that allow us to continue living in this planet.

 It’s not about taking sides anymore, but to change how we approach all the critical issues of our times. All these stem from “consciousness.” This is not an easy concept to define. Consciousness has been described as the state of being awake and aware of what is happening around us, and of having a sense of self. It has links to wisdom, higher knowledge, understanding, awareness, perception and connection to our soul.

Old souls will feel that all they have done is push-push-push against the prevailing structures and belief systems where they could never fit in. But because of the intensity of the times, things will change and they will find themselves being the catalysts for awakening. The new paradigm is not anymore just pushing alone, but collaborating together to flow, ride, fine-tune the higher creative forces, creating synchronicities. Let us face the real questions of life: why did we come here to Earth? Why were we born? And where are we going?

 If all in our universe is energy, then let us channel the supreme light energy, the Divine — where all of the ideas, insights and even blueprints of innovative structures, forms, groupings emanate from. The dying of an old energy replaces itself with new tools — so we work on ourselves — from our inner spirit connection, our mental health, our emotional wellbeing, our space clearings and finally, our own bodies through the way we eat and live healthier.

Let us rewrite old programs. Thoughts create. Create the very best! Now this is what I think being Nuni-nuni is all about.

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