Meet the Carebelles

On Thursday afternoons at the Carewell center on Dela Rosa corner Esteban streets in Makati City, you will find one of the liveliest groups in town. No, I am not pertaining to entertainers, a band or bartenders and drinkers; I am talking about a group of women who are simply celebrating life. They are cancer patients and survivors who have become the very best of friends and family to one another.

It may be a dreary day outside, but in the multi-purpose room of the Carewell center, it is all sunshine and incessant laughter. Amidst the girly squeals of excitement and affection, one can’t help but feel the intense closeness and camaraderie of this special group of strong-willed ladies. And oh, did I mention that they are just so funny! Listening to their banter is like sitting through a perfect comedy.

“Life may not be easy nor carefree for these women. Yet they remain steadfast in their faith and friendship despite the scars of a fierce battle with the Big C,” says Cristina “Toots” Magsino of her students. Toots teaches arts to the Carebelles. On Sept. 6, they will have an exhibit titled What’s Art Got to Do with It? A Carewell Collage Story at the Galerie One Workshop, 3/F, LRI Design Plaza on N. Garcia street in Makati City. Aside from the Carebelles, Toots’ other friends and students will also be part of the collage exhibit.

Carewell is the Cancer Resource and Wellness Community, a non-profit foundation that provides support education and hope to persons with cancer and their loved ones. It was envisioned by the late Jackie Fernandez-Suntay and her husband Roberto “Bobbit” Suntay.

“March 23, 2011 was the day I first taught my collage class at Carewell. I don’t know if it was the welcoming atmosphere at the Carewell center or the enthusiasm of the students that really made a big difference to me that day. But one thing’s for sure, it was one of those defining moments that etched itself deeply in my psyche,” says Toots.

Now, over a year later, Toots’ initial warm feelings still hold true. Every Thursday, she looks forward to being with her students, the Carebelles. Time spent in their company has become a ritual she doesn’t want to miss. Toots says each has her own story to tell and does it so eloquently through her artwork.

“It is quite inspiring to be with individuals who’ve come face-to-face with their own mortality and didn’t flinch at the sight of it. Instead, they bravely carried on until it no longer held its power over them. Now, they live one day at a time, valuing life but not desperately trying to possess it. They’ve come to acquire the kind of wisdom that only comes from truly living,” Toots says.

Toots says she volunteered as an art teacher because “I wanted to share of myself.” What she didn’t expect was how much she would benefit from it. “I’ve come to intimately know a group of courageous, authentic and interesting women who have now become my friends.”

“I may have introduced them to the wonderful world of collage but in return they reintroduced me to the wonderful world of life,” Toots says.

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The exhibit What’s Art Got to Do with It? A Carewell Collage Story will highlight the works of the Carebelles. These women found each other in Carewell, a haven of love and kindness. Through their triumphant journeys, each one has emerged with such beautiful stories to share. Hence never is there a dull moment when spent with a Carebelle.

Meet some of the Carebelles. And be inspired by their stories.

“Making collages for me is an outlet where I can express feelings coming from my heart,” says Nanette Villareal. “I chose a subject called Back to Basics, based on my experience (as a breast cancer survivor). Through discipline, determination, eating a balanced diet, exercise, stress management and faith in God, I remain steady and strong.”

According to Carebelle Marie Ganir, life has not been the same for her after her cancer. “It was a life of struggle and uncertainty. Discovering the art of collage with the patient coaching of Toots has made me look beyond the struggles I went through in life. I am now more confident and patient. This exhibit is an experience I will always treasure,” she says.

Says Cynthia Sanchez: “Attending collage classes at Carewell is an experience I thoroughly enjoyed. Toots Magsino created a supportive environment as she guided our thoughts to produce a healthy self-image. She taught us how to express our feelings, our life, our heart and our dreams and place them on paper in collage form. Working together with co-members to create our collages was fantastic. Finished collages are now our treasured possessions. ”

For Lulu Arevalo, art has become a form of therapy in her life. “Because of the concentration I put into making a collage, I tend to forget the cause of my worries. There is much excitement to see what I have created, which is so rewarding. It’s like I’m in a different dimension whenever I’m in the process of creating one.

For Rose Arzadon, a numbers person, the collage art classes have given her interest in the things that she sees, be it simple or not. “I can use them to express myself and through them I’m able to tell a story. I have enjoyed making collages with my classmates as it allows us to express our feelings and emotions through our work. It has given me a sense of fulfillment.

Cha Ardona feels fortunate to be included in the Carewell art classes. “I learned to share my time and love to all. My group mates have shared great ideas in creating my collage theme. When I get discouraged, they help me find a way to keep on trying.”

“Through collage-making I was able to express my inner self by letting my artworks capture the most intimate, personal aspects of my cancer journey. The non-judgmental, friendly atmosphere provided by our teacher helped a lot in inspiring me to kindle my artistic side. Every week I look forward to attending my collage class not only because it is our venue for expressing ourselves but also because I feel safe, comfortable and relaxed in the company of my co-survivors,” says Mayet Cordero.

Linda Dizon, a widow and a breast cancer survivor, says, “Before, I didn’t want to join the classes because I had no interest in art. Later, knowing that opportunity knocks but once, I joined and never regretted it. It is a gratifying pleasure to create works of art with your own hands. These art classes led me to live a healthy, productive life, combat loneliness and improve my social life.”

On the other hand, Jane, the “mommy” of the Carebelles because she is the office manager of Carewell, says, “Being part of the exhibition is an opportunity to share my art, show its beauty and let others feel the joys of being an artist. I am glad when I make people smile through my art.”

The Carebelles are thankful to Toots and Carewell for the opportunity to discover their many blessings through the arts. They are bursting with an abundance of positive feelings, of joy and gratitude. When you are surrounded by such women, you don’t mind catching this same joyful bug that bit them. You want to be infected by their kind of happiness or you feel like bottling it up to give it away. In that case, wouldn’t the world be a happier place?

(Carewell is located at 6/F, S & L Buiding, Dela Rosa street corner Esteban street, Legaspi Village, Makati. Toots Magsino can be reached at Would love to hear from you at

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