The passion of Pilarski

Dealing with Joyce Pilarski is like sitting through a comedy sitcom. The woman is dynamic and hilarious. No laughing matter though is her collection of hand-made jewelry, which is sure to turn heads. The sets of bracelets, necklaces, earrings and armbands evoke the spirit of the woman herself. There is nothing shy or subtle about her work like the vines that spiral and reach out to wrists and biceps. Most of her pieces are malleable, allowing the wearer to adjust its fit and design. This writer can see Pilarski’s work as the perfect accessory for those who prefer to add an extra 100 volts to their otherwise simple, classic outfit.

 “My philosophy,” Joyce declares, “is to create daring jewelry that stands out for their unique style. I design for women who dare to be different and who are proud of their not being like everyone else.”

Although Pilarski has lived in Germany for over 20 years, she maintains strong ties with the Philippines and is committed to blending her art with socio-civic work. “I believe strongly in giving back to my country (the Philippines) in any way I can. I want to produce jobs by enhancing their creativeness in making jewelry. My friend, fashion designer John Guarnes, leads a community, from Jesus Family Church. We have set up a livelihood program for them through the creation of my pieces.”

Pilarski has been receiving favorable reviews about her collection and is setting her sights on joining Philippine Fashion Week in May of this year. Apart from Manila, Joyce has started selling her pieces in Germany and London.

 Joyce shares, “I am praying that people will love my designs and that this will be successful and that God will help me to fulfill my dream in creating jobs and promoting my country.”

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