The bane of vain

When one reads about all the non-invasive corrective treatments that are out there, it’s easy to marvel at technology and wonder if they’re all as great as advertised. And when like me, one has hit the half-century mark (and beyond), the ugly head of Vanity makes all these claims all that more attractive — a tuck here, a lift there, it’s too tempting, especially when they’re promised without scalpel or knife-ly intervention. For Men is the designated male-dedicated area from the same people behind Marie France and Facial Care — the logic being why can’t us men avail of the technology in a situation where we don’t have to parade in front of women, with silly Vanity stamped on our foreheads.

VelaSmooth was the first FDA approved machine treatment for cellulite reduction and body contouring, and VelaContour is the new improved version. Without the use of needles or surgery, VelaContour uses Electro-Optical Synergy (ELOS), combined with infrared light and bi-polar radio frequency (RF) — increasing circulation so that the energy stored in fats burns at a faster rate, while the RF allows concentration in the fatty areas, and stimulation of connective tissues replaces fat mass with lean mass. The suctioning and heating aspects of the treatment are what can surprise one; but other than slight discomfort when the heat is applied to a more sensitive patch of skin, the treatment is a wonder and truly works.

Refirme is your monthly prescribed “pick me upper” — read: face lift. Working on the same RF principle (but without suctioning), Refirme stimulates collagen activity, thus improving firmness and tautness of our facial skin. This is the one where an immediate result can be discerned and appreciated. While the heating aspect, especially on the parts of our face where the skin is thinner, can cause slight twitching and fear of being “burned,” this is, as advertised, really painless and a godsend! And sure, there is no super drastic change, but one does feel the improvement, and one can still smile naturally!

The Physique Inch-Loss Treatment involves belt straps with sensors placed in the areas requiring treatment. Electric mocrocurrents are then fed into these sensors and they simulate muscle contractions, thus toning and strengthening muscles, and firming up sagging areas. Rule of thumb states that 15 minutes (a single session) is like doing 225 sit-ups — and yet, all this is achieved while lying down. Be ready for a little bit of a shock as the current causes the involuntary contractions, and it does take some getting used to — but by and large, one really feels that the “work” is getting done.

What has to be considered when undergoing the treatments is whether one is ready to invest the time to make these treatments worthwhile. There is no quick fix cure or remedy, it isn’t a voila-magic act. For the VelaContour or Physique, two to three sessions a week will help reach the desired effect. But am happy to report that from the trial sessions I underwent, one truly felt these would work! Now if only my toxic work schedule would disappear...

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