In a class of its own

“The noblest search is the search for excellence.” — Lyndon B. Johnson

With a diverse assemblage of the country’s movers and shakers in one venue, one can only describe the event in one word: electric! CATS Motors, Inc. recently launched the new sleek and super classy Mercedes-Benz E-Class in a by-invitation-only cocktail dinner at the NBC Tent. CATS Motors, Inc.’s dapper president Felix Ang welcomed special guests and friends including former head of Mercedes-Benz Thailand and Daimler Southeast Asia’s newly appointed president and CEO Wolfgang Huppenbauer to this superbly elegant affair. Indeed, just like the new E-Class, the launch was truly engineered around everyone’s delight.

Congratulations and happy driving!


Happy birthday to our celebrator today, Robert Mananquil.

Advance birthday greetings to Tara Litton, Marivic Concepcion, Miguel Vargas, Alan Antonio and Nards de Belen, June 8; Jaja Ledesma, June 9; Lita Carlos, FCCP’s Nori Ongsiako and tycoon Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangco, June 10; Jaime Godinez and FCCP’s Mars Lambino, June 11; Lilibeth Virata, June 12; lawyer Chris Lim, June 13.

Belated birthday greetings to Camille Cobankiat, June 5.

So, how was your week?

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