A delicious destination

“We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”  — Emily Dickinson

Dining at Boracay becomes so much sweeter as The Boracay Regency Beach Resort and Convention Center, the first triple-A rated resort in the white strip and the biggest in the island getaway, recently held a grand opening for its new restaurant, Zhu Asian Cuisine. Cutting the ceremonial ribbon during the inauguration were Ambassador Adnan and Oya Basaga of Turkey, Ambassador David and Arti Pine of New Zealand, Consuls Rene and Fortune Ledesma, Consuls Mellie and Louie Ablaza and Boracay Regency chairman Henry Chusuey with his gorgeous wife Anna Lissa.

Congratulations and more power to the Regency!

A birthday musical soiree

The newly elected Zonta Club of Manila Foundation president Lulu Tesoro Castañeda recently celebrated her birthday with an enjoyable musical soiree at the authentic Arabian Nights-themed Café Juanita. The evening started off with a duet by the celebrant and newly elected chairman of the FCCP board Jimmy Laya. It was followed by special numbers prepared by some of Lulu’s closest friends, each accompanied on the piano by Mary Ann Baclao.

It was truly a musically inspiring celebration and to Lulu, happy birthday!


Happy birthday to our celebrators today, Tara Litton, Marivic Concepcion, Miguel Vargas, Alan Antonio and Nards de Belen.

Advance birthday greetings to Jaja Ledesma, June 9; Lita Carlos, FCCP’s Nori Ongsiako and tycoon Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangco, June 10; Jaime Godinez and FCCP’s Mars Lambino, June 11; Lilibeth Virata, June 12; lawyer Chris Lim, June 13.

So, how was your week?

(For comments or inquiries, please e-mail me at jjlitton@indanet.com)

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