
Another transition point: an ending and a beginning. It is again a time when reflections of a year that was, and a year that will unfold to be, moves to the forefront of our minds. New Year 2008. Reflections that may bring regrets as, having looked back to the year that was, we question whether we have had the awareness to have made wiser choices and decisions.

If we followed the sacred rule of loving our neighbors as ourselves, wouldn’t our world be a place with people healed and love overflowing?

If we chose to enjoy every moment for what it brought forth instead of judging or wanting otherwise, would we be more content now? If we stopped waiting for something to begin or end, and rather discover the pleasure of what was happening in front of us then, would we come to understand the meaning of contentment?      

If we feel we lost many significant moments in the past, will we be able to recalibrate our mindsets to embrace the moment now?

If we looked at last year’s heightened moments of pains, would we be different now if we consciously tried to step back and see the drama of transformation unfolding in our life? Or would we continue, unaware, just existing in flatland, drowning in the same recurring pains, regrets and sorrows we hold deep inside us?

If we stopped fixating on where our lives were heading based on the achievements marked as success by the world, would we be able to intuit our soul’s direction for our lives? Would we be living more authentically now?

If we didn’t think all the time of outcomes dependent entirely on our own efforts alone, would we be more open to collaborations or seeing other points of view? If we were aware of the maneuverings of our selfish egos, would we have acted and decided otherwise?

The point of “IF” is a place of non-action. It needs to be passed through but not without contemplation. Here we are confronted by possibilities... that middle ground, the tightrope from where a balancing awareness is needed before decisions come forth. NOW, when facing a new year, we can ask ourselves again...

If I continue my life in this manner, with this same level of awareness, am I adding to my own growth? Or do I step deeper into myself, farther beyond myself to experience an expansion of spirit? If I choose a spiritual discipline to help me move deeper into my journey, would I have the strength to stay on it?

If I continue the same choices in my lifestyle, unmindful of the Earth’s problems, unmindful of the poverty and injustice around me, would I be able to contribute something positive to the world and society in which I exist in?

If I catch myself in the act of editing out negativity from my thoughts before it hardens to abiding thought forms that will manifest in my body and my life, would I not be cleaner this year?

If I continue to act unmindfully, creating hurts, adding more negative karma and aligning only with my personal wants, would my soul and spirit be stronger than my ego? If I knew this 2008 would be my last year, how would I choose to live it?

Here now at the point of “IF” we see the grand horizon of possibilities before us, the pros and cons, the various pathways. If we choose from our Higher Self, we will choose the path or make a decision that would increase our faith and move us forward on our path in service to the Divine Will. Doing this, there would be more chances for us to see the real from the false, use spiritual values over material values.

How we choose or make a decision from the point of “IF” is by listening to messages that come from the Inner Voice. It comes in whispers, through the noise of the New Year, whispers of the conscience, and knockings of the soul’s inner voice on the self. This inner voice is always present, and what if, we listened to it all the time? Wouldn’t our connection to God and our soul be always there?

This connection is also strengthened by messages from God coming through people, events and situations around us. This New Year means embracing the challenge of developing a dual consciousness: to be able to move in the rational linear world of time and the material world, and yet hear the inner voice at all times. The goal is to learn to live, move and speak from your Higher Self to other people’s Higher Selves. The goal is to always choose LOVE as the abiding energy in all our thoughts and actions.

So, before you step through from the point of “IF,” pause and review the past: the learnings, the joys, the sorrows — everything it took to bring you here to this point of “IF.” Then, firmly, make your choice and move forward

Happy New Year!

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