More than just her Mona Lisa Smile

To say that women have widened their influence in society is an understatement. While finishing schools were once the closest thing a girl could have to an education, many now find a significant number of women topping Bar exams, pursuing their masters in Ivy League universities and eventually making a career. Though not necessarily abandoning domesticity, women have become more versatile and multi-faceted. Going beyond the duties called for in their households, the contemporary woman embraces independence without necessarily abandoning the concept of marriage and children. "Girl Power," as modern terminology would have it, is the mantra that women live by in contemporary times. However, one cannot disregard the exemplary display of virtue and poise that Charm School girls of past have shown. Neither can one hastily conclude that there are hardly any "ladies" around nowadays. Take Mikee Cojuangco-Jaworski as an example. Equestrienne, public figure, board member of the Pasig River Commission, teacher, wife and mother. One would think that she spends most of her time preparing afternoon tea and dinner parties. Au contraire. "My schedule has been so tight lately. For the last few days, I’ve been getting only two to three hours of sleep," she began. Consider Mikee, a cross between your 18th lady and multi-tasking gal of the millennium. She added, "In this modern age, we are beginning to discover more talent and potential. Men and women will never be equal. That is a given," Mikee believes. "But we must all acknowledge that everyone is unique." 

Having made her debut as a commercial model at 17, Mikee won the public heart with her gracious manner and Mona Lisa smile. Just like any "young lady" straight out of finishing school, she impressed the public with proper conduct and charm. She entered showbusiness at 21 and has since then been a certified public figure. But having been born to an era where a woman’s role ranges from her white picket-fenced home to the other side of the universe, Mikee believes that, "A well-rounded woman is someone who is aware of what the world around her is. She can look into herself and apply herself as best as she can in the world she has come to know. There are so many opinions or theories on what a woman’s role in the world is and what she ought to be or do. Question is, who can dispute issues on whether a woman’s sole role is to serve her husband and children?" As she is about to turn 30, Mikee has obviously had a lot of learning experiences to draw, well, if one may say, wisdom from. Now a wife and mother, Mikee has a whole new perspective on things. "When I was younger, I lived a fast-paced life – ride, study, work, taping, movies. I would be amazed at those who live a more laid-back life and wonder how they could live that why. Of course after having gotten married and raising two boys, I began to mellow down. I had to slow down. Making a commitment like marriage or having children requires a lot of decision-making. For me this was the decision to make and that meant that this would be the most important role I’ll take. My family is definitely my top priority," she stated. Admittedly, Mikee is the "queen of the house." A loving husband and two boys who simply adore her are reasons enough for her to "always make room for improvement." She disclosed that she plans on spending more time in the kitchen and supervising household activities. Mikee explained, "It’s really mostly textbook stuff on being a wife and mom that I want to work on. I know that they are really minor things but they are the things that add up to bigger ones." By the way she sounded, it looked like there would be more things on Mikee’s To-Do list. Besides, she stressed, "there must always be growth. Though I am very content with everything I have now, I believe that there should be new lessons and experiences always." Cooking class, perhaps. Add to that a few changes in decoration as she also shared that just like her mother she has developed the habit of moving around furniture as therapy for stress. It probably holds true that in as much as one refuses to be anything like their parents in the future, one wakes up one day to find themselves behaving exactly like the old folks. "It’s different when you become a parent. You begin to understand the concept of boundless love. I think that is the greatest lesson I’ve learned from my kids," she said.  

Just last year, the country celebrated Mikee’s victory as an equestrienne when she bagged the gold in the Asean Games. Years of dedication to the sport and an unimaginable amount of love for horses have become key to her success as a sportswoman. Her determination has also contributed to her triumph. "My coach says that I am mentally tough. I think I can be tougher, though. I see myself as a rather sensitive person, but when I set my mind on something I really give it my all. I guess this also applies to the other aspects of my life. But of course life is not always a fight. It’s also important to know when to take a step back," she disclosed. She also spends time conducting riding classes for children three times a week, which, she guessed, "keeps me fit." She expressed her enthusiasm over the upcoming Kamiseta Cup Show Jumping Championship as "it shows that there is now a growing interest for the sport. It is also encouraging to know that riding is now being brought closer to more people." Despite the many facets that Mikee has taken, she still makes it a point to spend a couple of hours riding. It is, after all, her first love. 

"All of these things make me the individual that I am today. That and much prayer and meditation keep me in touch with myself. Every aspect of my life is part of a puzzle that ultimately completes me."

But more than anything else, Mikee is a woman. One who is complete and well-rounded. One who the people have come to know for her Mona Lisa smile, and many years after her first public appearance, for even more.

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