Tired of being tired?

What is fatigue? It is feeling mentally or physically tired or weak.

Why are many of us so tired? There is not just one answer. Fatigue can be caused by illness, poor sleep, stress, lack of exercise, overwork, medication and depression.

More often than not, we do not admit to ourselves that we are tired. We push the thought away because of many things we need to do, forgetting that it will catch up with us. We need to accept the fact that we are tired, so we can do something about it.

There really is no magic pill we can take to fix causes of fatigue. Simple lifestyle changes will help.

Here are some ways I suggest you can boost your energy.

• See a doctor. First find out if you are sick and tired or just plain tired. If you are always feeling like you’re going to have the flu or if you constantly feel drained of energy even after a good sleep, maybe it’s best to see your doctor.

• Sleep. Honor your sleep. As they say, the bedroom should be for sleeping only. Watching TV or reading should be in another room.

You can also try doing something quiet before bedtime like taking a warm bath or listening to soothing music.

If you find yourself tossing and turning in bed, get up and do something boring like folding your laundry to quiet your mind. Seven to eight hours of sleep each night is recommended.

•Check your diet. If you’re not feeding your body correctly, you may feel tired. Not enough food or too much may make you feel tired.

There has to be a balance of protein, carbohydrate and fat in your diet.

The key in balance. That is why I don’t believe and don’t suggest just eating one food group because that doesn’t spell balance. We need all three in moderation of course.

If you are on the run, take along an energy bar (just make sure to check for the carbohydrate, calorie and sodium content). I choose granola or oatmeal bars. You may also try some all-bran cereal or soy flakes. These are better than munching on chips or candy bars.

•Drink a lot of water. Drinking eight glasses of water a day not only helps keep your body functioning, but also gives you energy.

Not having enough water is like not having enough oil in your car. We need to hydrate our bodies well.

Healthy drinks like juices may fill your liquid needs but watch out for calories. Water is definitely still a better choice.

•Eat smaller meals. This is something I learned from those who trained me. Eat frequently in small amounts. Instead of having three big meals, have six in smaller portions. Space your meals throughout the day.

Big meals can make you feel sluggish. Eating less food more often may keep you and your digestive system running more efficiently.

Having six meals throughout the day can raise your metabolic rate slightly, enabling you to burn more calories.

Just choose your food; take just what your body needs – enough carbohydrates, proteins and a bit of fats. Always remember, everything in moderation.

• Exercise. Exercising releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins) in the brain, and helps our muscles use energy more effectively.

But of course, before embarking on any exercise program, consult your doctor first.

• Live in the present. According to Florence Meyer, an instructor at the University of Massachusetts’ Stress Reduction Clinic, "If it takes 100 units of energy to run your life, and 35 of those are involved in thinking about the past and 35 thinking of the future, then you don’t have much time left for the present."

She’s right. Why waste so much time dealing with the past which we can’t change anyway? It’s okay to think of the future, so long as you don’t get stuck there too long. There are things we need to attend to now, in our present. It is what needs our attention and focus.

According to the Stress Reduction Clinic, it is called "attention strengthening." This is the act of paying attention to what needs to be done now. People think that if they slow down and pay attention, they’ll become less efficient because you focus more clearly and revise priorities.

It is important to acknowledge when we are tired or are experiencing fatigue. No matter how many things we need to accomplish, no matter how heavy the responsibilities we have, we need to know when our body needs sleep and relaxation or as some say, "a time-out."

Recognizing that will allow us to choose how to boost our energy and beat fatigue.

(E-mail me at babyjackster@hotmail.com)

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