Hit the beach!

Most students are already on their summer vacation. Final exams are done and many are planning what to do and where to go to this summer. A favorite place to go to is the beach. It’s been so hot the past days that the thought of swimming is just wonderful!

I hear a lot of young people say that they need to get in shape so they can wear their bathing wear with pride–being able to walk around in a bikini without having to wear a shirt over it.

Well, I believe that our bodies need to be in good condition. We should make it a point that we don’t stay in shape only for summer; we should be in shape at all times. Having a healthy lifestyle and a fit body shouldn’t be seasonal.

But if you are starting only now, there is still time. Find a physical activity you enjoy and do it regularly–jogging, walking, aerobics, Pilates, badminton, swimming, doing the treadmill or biking. Anything, really, as long as it’s something you enjoy and will most likely stick to.

That will be your chosen cardiovascular activity. If you choose walking or running or the bike or treadmill, you can start with 20 minutes and increase your pace when you’re stronger. Start with that and develop your stamina so you can do it for a longer period. I started with 20 minutes, then when I became stronger, I’d do it for 30, then 45.

When it comes to your food intake, always remember to take everything in moderation. Your food intake should not be more than your physical activity. Eat only what your body needs. The excess will be stored as fat.

You don’t have to starve yourself. You don’t have to go to a party and just watch people eat. That’s torture! Just choose your food. If you want to have dessert, do so; have a small portion. I believe that the more you deny yourself of something, the more you want it–that’s human nature. So what will happen? The first opportunity you get to eat the food you crave for, you’ll eat everything! And that’s worse.

I have days when I crave for choc-nut or leche flan or a bottle of cola. That happens when I’m about to have my monthly period and I give in to my craving–but only in small amounts.

Now if you feel you need more guidance, you can enroll in a gym and ask the experts to evaluate you and give you a plan for eating suited for your body and a program you can follow. The choice is yours.

When you are ready to wear that bikini, head for the beach!

What do you need to bring aside from your bikini? You should have the following: 1.) cap; 2.) sunblock; 3) rubber slippers (I’d choose a fun color); 4.) sunglasses; 5.) after-sun moisturizer; 6.) camera for your special moments; 7.) books to occupy your time when you’re not in the water; 8.) water to keep yourself hydrated; 9.) fruits like melons, watermelons, pineapple or singkamas (it’s actually a vegetable) which is delicious when cooled and soaked in vinegar (they’re refreshing on a hot day; 9.) a mat to lie down on and 10.) Most importantly, a happy and colorful disposition so you can have the time of your life. Have a great summer!
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E-mail me at: babyjackster@yahoo.com

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