Do you agree that the impeachment proceedings against Ombudsman Merci Gutierrez should be open to the public?

NORBERTO ROBLES, TAGUIG: No, televise the proceedings instead. We don’t want to see again the spectacle of a gallery packed with a partisan crowd booing and cheering as if it were a boxing match.  

FELIX RAMENTO, USA: Personally, I have no problem with that. Except for being newsworthy, it would not, for that purpose, generate much public attention anyway.

The right to know

Nescel Panes, Passi City, Iloilo: The public has the right to witness the flow of the impeachment proceedings. As Filipinos, we must uphold and promote our right to firsthand information on the flow of the impeachment proceedings against Ombudsman Gutierrez. Our country is wounded with corruption and injustice. We have wasted time and money for these impeachment proceedings but still the case remains unresolved.

Desuel Pardo, Mandaluyong: Impeachment proceedings are conducted in plenary sessions where the public has the right to witness, being in a Republican government. There is no way of excluding the public from viewing the impeachment proceedings against Ombudsman Merci Gutierrez.

Jemz Ramos, Metro Manila: One hundred and one percent, I agree, proceedings must be open to the public. As taxpayers, we must know how the Ombudsman works.

Raymar Gurrea, Bacolod City: Yes, the impeachment proceedings against Merceditas Gutierrez should be made open to the public. The public has the right to know.

Eric Gopilan, Pasay City: I agree, the proceedings should be open to the public for transparency, so the masses will know how justice is served.

Jun Montebon, Parañaque City: By all means. Let the public have the opportunity to hear and see why she seemed to be lawyering for the accused.

Trial by publicity

R. Los Baños, Las Piñas City: If there is any proceeding that could degenerate into a trial by publicity, this is one of them. Ombudsman Gutierrez is already a loser, solely by virtue of her association with the previous administration, and the trial has not even started yet. If only to deny some grandstanding politicians a forum to do their worst in aid of reelection, these impeachment proceedings should not be open to the public.

Teodoro Iradiel, Metro Manila: Yes, in public, so the Filipino people could see how our laws in the Constitution are being implemented and defended, para wala nang magsasabi na trial by publicity ang nangyari. We also want to see how our elected legislators protect our rights. Yes, in public, but fair and equal to both ends.

Full disclosure

Jesus Mendoza, Pangasinan: Public officials should make impeachment proceedings against Gutierrez public for the masses to know the extent of corruption and cover-up.

Liezel Macasu, Metro Manila: Yes, para transparent at magkaalaman na.

Josefina Otarra Sembrano, Quezon City: Yes, to let the people know firsthand the truest of truths.

Sean Jessie Formiles, Metro Manila: That’s the right thing to be done to avoid any speculation.

Nhoel Lajom, Metro Manila: Yes, so the public may know the truth and understand why there is a plunder case being filed.

Fe Holter, Norway: Dapat lang. Hindi dapat i-hokus pokus ang paglilitis sa kanya.

Glee Rosas, California: Sure, kailangang malaman ng taong-bayan kung di nga siya corrupt na government official.

Cris Rivera, Rizal: Yes, a clear-to-ear, distinct-to-eye proceeding eliminates distrust and anxieties. Besides, it will eschew foot dragging and grandstanding.

Armando Tavera, Las Piñas City: The impeachment proceedings against the Ombudsman should be open to the public. Some suspicions may arise if done behind closed doors.

Lydia Reyes, Bataan: I agree, every proceeding and inquiry should be made public, but subject to proper decorum. What we need now more than ever is transparency.

Ricardo Tolentino, Laoag City: Yes, to expose to the public the extent of cover-up that Gutierrez has done in handling the misdeeds of the Arroyo administration.

Dr. Jose Balcanao, Benguet: Impeachment proceedings against Ombudsman Merci Gutierrez should be open to the public so that there will be no false perception among the people that a whitewash is being done. The public is so interested to know how she will unleash the truth since many people believe that she is protecting her former big bosses.


Nestor Chan, Metro Manila: Yes.

Ipang Marquez, Metro Manila: It should be.

Elizabeth Oximer, Negros Occidental: Yes na yes. Sana pwede sa ordinary TV stations para sa aming walang cable TV.

Wishful thinking

Jim Veneracion, Naga City: The tedious due process accorded by the SC on a big fish like Ombudsman Gutierrez has not afforded the Filipino public genuine transparency.

J.R. Mondonedo Jr., Parañaque City: Is this another teleserye where we would already know the ending of the story? Sure, why not, so millions of unemployed Pinoys can watch instead of being unproductive. I am sure nothing will come out of it.

Adrian Catral, Quezon City: I hope this proceeding will not be all for a show. I am expecting the public will not be taken for a ride again.

A test for the justice system

Deo Durante, Camarines Sur: The case of Ombudsman Gutierrez is a serious matter to undertake. It will denote how strong or how weak the justice system is in this country. Thus, I would suggest to close the impeachment proceedings to public viewing, partly to save the image of our judicial system.

No more grandstanding, please

Lorenzo Fernandez Jr., Cabanatuan City: No, I’m sick and tired of watching the likes of Jinggoy and Trillanes pretending to be serious in their queries, as if they’re really interested in seeking the truth, when everything they do is for show. In other words, they’re only promoting themselves.

Leonard Villa, Batac City: No, for it will produce grandstanding solons in both Houses of Congress. The impeachment proceeding is not a fiesta to be made open to the public.

Louie Vallo, Pangasinan: I’ve always held the position that any congressional hearing (be it investigation in aid of legislation or impeachment proceedings) should not be aired or be open to the public as lawmakers tend to grandstand to gain pogi points and media mileage. More often than not, those who are being asked or investigated become victims of trial by publicity. If such hearings or proceedings are held behind closed doors or not aired publicly, solons behave accordingly.

Elmo Cruz, Manila: If congressmen and senators will use the impeachment proceedings against Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez as an opportunity for grandstanding, better prohibit picture-taking and television coverage so as to avoid the public from turning their stomachs upside down. Also if there are sensitive issues that may jeopardize national security, the impeachment proceedings should be closed to the public, including the media.

Body language

Manuel Abejero, Pangasinan: A suspect or anyone under investigation will react to answers and from those reactions, any behavioral scientist can detect whether one is lying or is trying to hide the truth. Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez is one of the best subjects with regard to this subject. Yes! Let us watch her answer questions from our grandstanding senators.

Gee Ann Rivera, Los Baños City: Yes, so I can see how high her eyebrows will be, Mt. Everest or Mt. Apo?

Rose Leobrera, Manila: It should be made public, because I want to see her facial reactions, the way she would answer, and her choice of words on how she would defend herself. Well, I know, she is used to all this brouhaha, but I want to see how she would be grilled, baka me lumutang pang invisible hand, he he.

Quid pro quo

Joe Nacilla, Las Piñas City: I agree 100 per cent that the impeachment proceedings against Ombudsman Gutierrez should be open to the public so that she’ll know the feeling when the dignity and pride of a person is taken away or taken for granted, in the same manner that she insulted the intelligence of the Filipino people in handling the plea bargain.

Renato Taylan, Ilocos Norte: As a public servant perceived to have slept on her job, let her accusers try her publicly. The public deserves to know her answers.

Miguelito Herrera, Cabanatuan City: Yes, it should be. What is important right now is that she be given a chance to answer all the charges and the public has the right to know.

Jose Fabello Jr., Cagayan de Oro City: Yes and why not? Let’s see how the lady Ombudsman defends herself. She talks often of due process, now it’s on her where the process is due. This is interesting.

Carmela Ramento, Cagayan de Oro City:.The versatility and toughness of an Ombudsman can be fully appreciated by the people when the impeachment proceedings are done in public. Yes, I agree.

Let the games begin

Germi Sison, Cabanatuan: Naging punching bag si Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez ng mga kalaban at galit kina dating Pangulong Gloria at dating Unang Ginoo Mike. Napag-init na rin ang dati’y malumanay na abogada. Dapat nga kunan ng television ang bawa’t anggulo ng impeachment proceeding nang mapanood ng madlang Pilipino kung paano lampasuhin ni Aling Merci nang walang mercy ang mga pasiklab na mambabatas na ibig lamang makapuntos ng media mileage. I see no reason why the impeachment proceeding against Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez should not be conducted in full view of the public. Unless all Congressmen agree that the proceedings be held in an executive session, it is impossible for the proceedings to escape the public eye.

Rodolfo Talledo, Angeles City: It would be fun to see those against her justify their accusations of culpable violation of the Constitution that warrant an immediate impeachment process.

Ishmael Calata, Parañaque City: Aw, shucks, let the games, este, impeachment proceedings, begin! If televised, I don’t know whether it will be interesting enough to take away viewers from their favorite telenovelas. For sure, the people will see and be amused by some “trying-hard” actors among legislators and actors. Seriously speaking, I hope that this will find closure in less time than those attempts at impeachment of former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Otherwise, it will just be a waste of time and money, not only on account of the expenses relative to the proceedings, but also the unproductive time of viewers who sometimes cheat on their working time just to get amusement from such proceedings.

We can do without the circus

Dennis Montealto, Mandaluyong City: Are we that reality TV-hungry that everything can simply be seen on the boob tube? It’s always a political capital for our legislators to be seen that they do their homework, but at the expense of another. The Ombudsman had been shamed enough. Let the impeachment proceedings move on without the media circus.

Erwin Espinoza, Pangasinan: I don’t because it’s another circus of sorts. So there’s no need for me to elucidate farther.

C.B. Manalastas, Manila: The impeachment is of public interest. It should be open to the public and must be limited only within the halls of Congress without live TV coverage.

Ruel Bautista, Laguna: Opening to the public technical proceedings such as an impeachment could affect its outcome. Why don’t we just let them do their job without fanfare?

Let the political games begin

Ed Gulmatico, Abu Dhabi: Yes, knowing this Ombudsman to be very wily, a manipulator and an escape artist against all cases filed/complained against her, an open impeachment proceeding against her will be fair game. In a way, this impeachment proceeding will serve both as a deterrent on would-be evil aspirants for the Ombudsman position and also give an idea (inspiration) for corrupt government/political leaders on how to survive an impeachment or how to avoid being impeached.

Ella Arenas, Pangasinan: Yes, it would be ideal if the proceedings would be televised, so that it will set a precedent on erring and misguided public officials. That way, public officials would think twice before committing any dishonest deeds. Besides, I want to see a face off with another mataray, Sen. Miriam Santiago, and see who will emerge as the real taray queen. Siguro ang saya-saya panoorin.

Rey Ibalan, Antipolo City: Yes, and let’s see how the bright boys of Congress tangle with Merci in the impeachment proceedings.

Just get on with it

They may just go on and proceed with the impeachment proceedings. It doesn’t matter if it will be made open to the public or not, for as long as the proceedings push through. - Lucas Banzon Madamba, Laguna

Just get on with it! Televising it or making it open to the public will not change our way of handling impeachment proceedings. Moreover, media will just be “boxing out” each other just to get the best view and write-up. - Alexander Raquepo, Ilocos Sur

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