
Inbox World

Do you doubt PGMA's assurance of a smooth turnover of power after her term ends?


Ruben Viray, Antipolo City: The whole world is watching, thus I believe that a smooth turnover will push through and that a new president will take over after her term ends.

Felix Ramento, USA: Regardless of what her critics say, I believe that GMA would not be willing to face the dangers of rejecting her duly elected and generally acceptable replacement. She knows better.

This is not the Marcos era

Elmo Cruz, Manila: I cannot see any reason for President Arroyo to renege on turning over her presidency when her term ends. Her detractors are only raising issues out of their own insecurities. If people analyze the situation, they would see that Pres. Arroyo is different from Pres. Marcos and that the present conditions are also far too different from Marcos’ time. People then were too timid to express themselves.

Desuel Pardo, Mandaluyong City: Though many people are worried that President Arroyo may declare martial law before her term ends, I firmly believe that she is aware of the danger as the people will rise up against such a move and she does not hold the military as Pres. Marcos did in 1972 when he imposed military rule.

She will have to follow the law

Deo Durante, Camarines Sur: I have some doubts, considering how things are going. But PGMA should learn to respect the rule of law. If there is a failure of elections, she should still vacate her post and instead install a transition president. That is the only way she would be able to make people believe her and erase the notion that she has cooked up a plan to remain in power. Why tarnish her name? She should leave a legacy in this country so people would remember her good side after she descends her throne.

Germi Sison, Cabanatuan City: Even if Pres. Arroyo is focused on being House Speaker and ultimately Prime Minister after a shift to parliamentary system is achieved via a Constitutional Convention, she has no recourse but to abide by the rules of law by turning over her power smoothly to whoever will be our next president.

Joe Nacilla, Las Piñas City: Common sense will tell us that after the Comelec proclaims the new president, whether or not PGMA accepts the proclamation, she will be forced to turn over her presidential power. She will have no legal or Constitutional right to continue. A person who doubts a smooth turnover is clueless and insecure. He has imagined fears and is suspicious of others.

No doubt about it

Juan Deveraturda, Subic, Zambales: I don’t doubt it. All the presidential candidates, including the opposition, do not doubt it either. They would not be spending time, effort and millions of money in the campaign right now if they didn’t believe there would be a smooth and orderly turnover of power in July 1.

Dennis Montealto, Mandaluyong City: No doubt about it, she’s in the exit stage. Much has been said about her credibility problem, but I think she won’t blow the judgment of history upon her by digging the grave of her political career through unconstitutional means.

Bernard Nillo, Bacnotan: I’m totally convinced that Pres. Arroyo’s assurance of a smooth transition of power is true.

C.B. Manalastas, Manila: I have no doubt about it since, time and again, PGMA has assured us of a smooth turnover of power come June 30 to whoever is declared the winner of the coming elections.

Lydia Reyes, Bataan: I don’t harbor any doubt. She is well-educated, a professional at that. She knows that her term as president is soon to end. She’ll exit gracefully.

We have every reason to doubt her

Cris Rivera, Rizal: I doubt the veracity of PGMA’s words because her actions belie her pronouncements. It’s her own doing; she knows why she no longer enjoys the trust of the Filipinos.

Richard Decena, Quezon City: Yes, whatever GMA does, lagi pong kaduda-duda. Bale wala po naman ano man criticism ang ibato sa kanya kasi manhid na po, kaya mas mabuting hindi na lang.

Ignacio Anacta, Metro Manila: When the “Hello, Garci?” incident was exposed and PGMA herself apologized publicly, I lost faith in her integrity. Since then, I’ve always harbored doubts on her assurances. My doubts were cemented with the exposure of the overpriced Macapagal Avenue in Pasay City by the DPWH, the fertilizer scam by Joc-joc Bolante, and the ZTE deal, to name a few. It seems we have been duped for almost a decade now, yet we have done nothing about it! Smooth turnover? Come on, please.

Elpidio Que, Vigan: Why should we believe a public official who could even lie in public, using as her backdrop our national hero’s monument? Besides, how can she give us an assurance when her dirt would only be swept under the rug when she packs up and leaves Malacañang to become the representative of her district cabalen for a later comeback? It doesn’t make sense because accusations that were hurled against her have yet to be answered.

Johann Lucas, Quezon City: Yes, PGMA has shown on many occasions the she is hell-bent on remaining in power. This administration has not given me reason to believe otherwise.

Jimmy Donton, Puerto Princesa City: Her past actuations make me feel uncomfortable about believing her pronouncements of a smooth transition to a new government. However, she can redeem herself by fulfilling her words come June 2010.

Dr. Dencio Acop, Benguet: I wish I could harbor no doubt but the track record of this president make us skeptical of her every pronouncement. Pres. Arroyo simply has not kept many of the promises she made during her term. She said she wouldn’t run in 2004. She not only ran, but she cheated, according to “Hello, Garci?” She repeatedly said she’d crack down on corruption. She not only did not crack down on corruption, she herself figured in one corruption scandal after another. She said her administration would end the insurgency problem once and for all this year. The insurgency is not only very much alive, but she has alienated her administration from many national and international sectors led by the UN due to numerous human rights violations. She said she would not tinker with the Constitution. Who is she kidding?

Miguelito Herrera, Cabanatuan City: Yes, I am very worried about her pronouncements that she will step down from Malacañang on June 30,2010. She cannot be trusted since she seemingly broke every rule of law and violated the Constitution over and over again.

William Gonzaga, Marikina City: Absolutely. PGMA’s zero credibility leads the public to view her with deep suspicion and apprehension.  She will surely grab any opportunity to perpetuate herself in power by hook or by crook. No ifs and buts!

Noel Banias, Makati City: Yes, I do. Her penchant for reneging on her word makes me wary of her real intentions. For as long as she is still perched in Malacañang, I can’t help but be suspicious. Fact: Even in her final days as president, she’s still scheming to have her way to power. From appointing the next CJ and the new AFP chief, what else will she do to trick the people?

Ed Ledesma, Iloilo City: PGMA is not exactly famous for keeping her word so I’ve strong doubts about any of her assurances. ‘Nuff said.

Those who doubt are foolish

Pedro Alagano Sr., Vigan City: I have no iota of doubt on her assurance of a smooth turnover as she’s not dumb not to know that her Constitutional mandate is up to June 30, 2010, only. While everyone has the right to make the wrong choice and is entitled to his own opinion in a democracy like ours, I can’t help but regard those who think otherwise as idiotic, foolish and clueless.

Ishmael Q. Calata, Parañaque City: This assurance by PGMA is something that can easily be believed. While certain quarters speculate, with some good reason, that she wants to make a comeback to power after her term ends, I am sure that it will not be through a plan as ridiculous as the one imagined by her detractors - that of gluing herself, no matter what, to the seat of power in Malacañang. Such a suspicion is a rather laughable one! I may not agree 100 per cent with PGMA, but there are matters that our politicians must study first before they make any statements, and the smooth transition of power is one of them. The job of being in the opposition is not always to go against everything; it also includes just standing by and waiting for the truth to come out sooner or later.

Rodolfo Talledo, Angeles City: I wish any doubting Thomases would put up monetary bets on this issue if they are that serious. I’m willing to shell out my last dime.

Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt

Luisito Vallo, Pangasinan: I believe her. Some quarters may doubt her because of her promise back in 2001 that she would not run, but I believe her now. Back then, she had to do that to create stability in her government.

Jose Fabello Jr., Cagayan de Oro City: PGMA is not perfect but I give her the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Manny Cordeta, New York City: In all fairness, I’d give PGMA the benefit of the doubt. Besides, I dare anyone who could tell or read what’s in Her Excellency’s mind. Doing so, I’m afraid, would simply be presumptuous. I’m not inclined to a guessing game. I’d rather cross the bridge when I’m there.

Maricel Maralit, Naga City: I don’t really take any of GMA’s words hook, line and sinker, but I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. For once, I hope she’ll stay true to her word.

PGMA has other plans

Ernesto Oliquiano, Las Piñas City: This is the usual problem of someone who has completely lost her credibility. Like the boy who cried wolf, nobody believes her anymore.As for me, although I still have some reservations on PGMA’s pronouncement, I believe that PGMA will relinquish the presidency when her term ends. There is no more reason why she shouldn’t. The Comelec has already ruled that she can run for Congress and she’s sure to win in her district. With her sons, in-laws and some of her former Cabinet members and other Lakas-Kampi congressmen joining her in Congress, she’s almost 85 per cent sure of getting the speakership. From there, everything will go as planned - Charter change, the conversion to a parliamentary system, and finally, her election as prime minister. A prime minister has no term limit and she can rule the country for as long as she wants. With this in mind, I don’t think PGMA will still resort to some drastic measures just to stay in power. As the saying goes, ba’t ka pa tatayo kung makukuha mo naman ito ng paupo?

Mandy Rillon, Cabanatuan City: Regrettably, I have some doubts about PGMA, but it seems that the reality of most people rejecting her government is glaring; thus, she won’t succeed except in her native province.

Lucas Banzon Madamba II, USA: I think Pres. Arroyo will be true to her assurance of a smooth turnover of power. After she turns over the reins of power to her successor, she might be heading towards a seat in Congress after her term.

Renato Taylan, Ilocos Norte: No, I don’t. PGMA is more interested in passing the presidency to her successor, who might turn out to be her protegé.

Leandro Tolentino, Batangas City: Doubting Thomases abound in this election season, but after PGMA filed her congressional candidacy, there was no more reason to doubt her transition plans.

Gerii Calupitan, Muntinlupa City: No. As sure as the sun rises in the east, PGMA’s promise of a smooth turnover of power after the May elections will be done. She already got her successors ready, from her son Mikey to Kumareng Baby Pineda down to the full support of her cabalen in Lubao, to ensure a smooth transition as representative. Only Marcos refused to give up his over two-decade throne, so much so that Edsa 1 had to yank him and Imelda out of Camelot in 1986. PGMA is shrewd enough to hand over power when it’s time to do so.

Hoping for the best

Eufrocino Linsangan, Isabela: Perhaps, many have silent doubts about it. Let’s just hope that there will be a smooth turnover of power after GMA’s term ends para masaya ang lahat.

Only the opposition doubts it

Erwin Espinoza, Pangasinan: Ang ingratong si Noynoy at trapong si Mar lang ang ayaw maniwala sa smooth transition na ‘yan. Wala nang magaling o tama sa kanila basta may kinalaman kay PGMA.

Armando Tavera, Las Piñas City: I don’t harbor any doubt on PGMA’s assurance of a smooth turnover of power. It’s only the doubting Thomases that do.

Rey Onate, Palayan City: No, with all respect and trust, I believe the president in her assurance of a smooth turnover of power. ‘Yung mga pulitiko lang ang ganyan ang tanong.

We have to be vigilant

Dr. Jose Balcanao, Benguet: If there is no smooth turnover of power after GMA’s term ends, the people will have the inherent right to revolt against the rise of a dictatorship. The AFP has no right to coddle GMA’s extended stay in power since the AFP has to act with professionalism as a non-partisan institution of the State.

Jim Veneracion, Naga City: GMA will be on the lookout for survival starting July 1, 2010; thus, I don ‘t see her yielding power just like that. So, it’s up to decent Filipinos to be vigilant.

L.C. Fiel, Quezon City: I will take that with a lot of prayers and a grain of salt.

That will be the end of us

Rey Onate, Palayan City: It will be the end of the Republic. The Philippines will become a failed state. Anarchy will reign; there will be a long civil war. Kawawa ang mga bata.

She knows better now

Leonard Villa, Batac City: No, PGMA has learned her lesson the hard way and she won’t further aggravate the people’s great doubts on her. I trust her this time without an iota of doubt.

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NEXT INBOX QUESTION: What do you think of former President Estrada’s ‘expose’ on Sen. Villar’s alleged involvement in stock manipulation?

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