March 16, 2003

The final day of the sun’s visit in Capricorn offers an overall optimistic mood. The Leo moon loves a bit of rambunctious fun, so get-togethers, especially involving family members, will be lively. Jupiter in Leo promises good fortune to those willing to be outgoing. Some gain favoritism among peers by telling a funny story or being charming.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Family relationships are stronger than ever, so show your appreciation. Take stock of what makes you unique. Don’t downplay it; play it up! You don’t need to change anything about your appearance to be ultra-attractive.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
A loved one has much to say about your career – listen carefully, and try not to be defensive. Apply what you learn to your financial approach. Take the initiative in romance. It’s a relief when the truth is finally out.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
A pushy person in your midst thinks everything is urgent. Go at your own pace. Ultimately, everyone will be taken care of. The less contact you have with toxic people, the better. Things that come in twos are lucky.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
The fastest way to feel good is to forgive someone for a past wrong. Making up is almost worth the argument you had. This afternoon features correct first impressions and possibly love at first sight. A relative helps you settle a debt.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
Stop worrying about circumstances beyond your control. Someone who has a crush on you make his or her feelings obvious. Bills that must be paid inspire you to use a little of your downtime to make a sale.

You’ve got much to offer, and friends surround you all year. Groups are lucky in April and many victories come from sharing your work with other winners. Use your newfound status to help out those in need. A casual flirtation in May will fizzle out by June but singles find new love (Pisces or Libra?) at the end of May that’s more worthwhile. Your lucky numbers are: 12, 34, 5, 9 and 2.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Assure someone insecure of your undying love. Children and other loved ones are so sensitive to criticism, it’s not worth it to go there today. People who had a reason to be irritated with one another will get over it tonight.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Words fall trippingly off the tongue. Seize the opportunity to get something off your chest or say something you know will be difficult. Sweethearts know how to get under your skin now and you won’t mind.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
If you know what you owe, debt loses its power to control your thoughts. When you get out the paperwork and add things up, you’re taking the first step toward financial freedom. Inquire about that sexy someone.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
If your family or partners are not attuned to your immediate needs, it is only because you haven’t communicated in awhile. Love letters make you feel like a million. Make an effort to share a loved one’s special interest.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Be the one to start the ripple of goodwill by putting your personal critic out to sea. Resolve only to bring out the best in others with your kindness. Confirm dates, especially long-standing appointments.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
Love is flowing, and so are anger, joy, mistrust, passion and ecstasy. It’s impossible to know what you’re going to get. The best you can do is simply this: Be nice. Everyone needs more compassion.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Use mental techniques to get what you want instead of putting your physical self to work. As a team player, you win new friends as well as the respect of old ones. Organize personal matters. Find dynamic love with a Capricorn.

Many auspicious forces are working in our favor this week. The sun moves into air sign Aquarius, a transit that introduces us to our more inventive, eccentric selves. It could suddenly dawn on you that there’s no one forcing you to be you. The role has more possibilities than you’ve been exercising. You can in fact approach life with more playfulness and experimentation. When Mercury goes direct on Wednesday, it becomes even easier to see your options. The little cloud over our communication and transportation issues will lift as the week progresses. So if you’ve had trouble getting where you want to go, or saying what you want to say, that should clear up by Friday. The weekend is exciting, as the moon helps us team up with people who interest us. Scorpio vibes get deep, and love relationships grow in intensity. It’s fine to fully experience impulsive feelings, but that doesn’t mean you have to act on them. Chill out on Saturday and Sunday, when a false sense of urgency and passion threatens to interrupt what’s going right in your life. Later, you’ll be glad you took the time to think it through.

It seems almost unfair when Aquarians stand up and shout, "The rules don’t apply to me!" Such is the cry of rocker Sheryl Crow, who continues to challenge every stereotype thrown her way. Early in her career, she decided she didn’t need to show a lot of skin to sell records. Once she was proven right, what does she do? Turns 40 and poses for a popular men’s magazine! That’s Aquarius!

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Copyright 2003 Joyce Jillson

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