November 05, 2002

The moon is transiting through its ruling sign, Scorpio. Emotions ebb and flow like the tides under this lunar persuasion. Alone time should be jealously guarded, as you learn much more by focusing inward rather than by listening to others. The Libra sun encourages us to work our feelings out by getting physically active; exercise and sports that involve speed are especially enjoyable now.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Your pet project gains a seal of approval from an influential friend. It may be time to ease off on career ambitions until you have a clear picture of what you want. You get your way because you accommodate your family.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Writing, business meetings, appointments, letters and phone calls keep you active. Your boss can be demanding, but your abilities at work will receive their due reward and recognition. A letter arrives with good news.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Different types of work come across your desk, increasing your ability to multi-task. Resist a former lover’s sweet talk. Friends will treat you this evening. Focus on making your home a place of solace and beauty.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. You make a choice that adds a positive new dimension to your life. Assets are numerous and in high demand. Take criticism in stride, and consider the source. Money concerns are relieved by last-minute help.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
It may be necessary to repeat a choice. Don’t choose the impossible. The key, now, is simplicity. By distancing yourself from the negative aspects of work, you are able to enjoy yourself. Others help you find that perfect romance.

TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (November 05).
While the sun graces your sector of the sky, your superstar power will attract passionate love. Flirt, and be happy this month and next. November help from an established organization sets you on the road to owning or managing your own company. Signs that really "get" you are Aquarius and Taurus.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Success comes in the small battles. You are well prepared for increased responsibility, as long as recognition goes with it. Do not dismiss a family problem – it must be handled immediately. Socializing is best with just one person.

LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.23).
Make decisions you can commit to. Someone you have disliked suddenly becomes a great companion. Schedule you day carefully; be social in business meetings, you’ll impress others around you. The conclusions you reach are correct.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
Progress discourages disappointment. Try everything twice; the second time is lucky. Seeing an old love gives you renewed confidence. Telephone calls give you information that changes your opinion of a friend.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
The best time for change is now. Those looking for love find it by being aggressive and forthright. Don’t overdramatize the situation, someone at work has your best interest in mind when drastic suggestions are made.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
Pending action creates anxiety. If you don’t have control over it, stop worrying now. Someone finds you attractive, and makes a move this afternoon. You could fall in love faster than you ever dreamed.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
You can do anything by taking one stop at a time. There is an urgency in your life that others see as charisma. Don’t dispel the mystique around you, instead, use it to get a raise or promotion. You deserve to treat yourself.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
Partners need lots of time and reassurance. A new romance is wonderful. Talented co-workers give you credit for recent success. You are a terrific manager. Spend money on your personal appearance. Be discreet on the job.

"My birthday is April 4, 1952. I sold my daycare business. Now, I need a new source of income. I’ve enjoyed crafts through the years. Should I try another business of my own, perhaps selling my crafts? What kind of career would be good for me?"

Several planets in Aries and Mars (your ruler) in Scorpio show that you are right to seek a strong outlet for powerful career energies. With your natal moon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Libra, consider taking up a profession that would allow you to continue to maintain your self-employed status. You might be happiest serving a clientele on a one-to-one basis, in capacities ranging from manicurist to tax consultant. Does the law interest you? Paralegal work is a growing field, and requirements for certification are relatively simple in most states. If you wish to continue your work with crafts, perhaps you would enjoy offering a customized service, making special things by commission from individuals – perhaps individualizing gifts or commemorations. It’s important that you keep your hand in public relations; you need to feel you’re doing good for others.

Toni Braxton is a lovely Libra with a smooth, sexy voice to match her classy Libran style. Mercury was in sexy Scorpio on the day she was born, so she favors the honest delivery of messages. Messages may not be the only thing she’ll deliver this year, as her chart shows the possibility of a brand new baby! In artist’s charts, the indication of "births" sometimes signifies the literal birth of a child, and other times, can be confused with the "birth" of a project dear to its creator.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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