May 21, 2002

Duty will rear its ugly head, but if you acknowledge what must be done, you’ll be the victorious one. People may try to lay guilt trips on you. A sense of obligation can destroy even the most memorable events. Sometimes, just speaking about the implicit demands on you will balance out everyone’s cosmic need for security and reinforcement. Travel soon!

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. You’ll succeed in whatever you decide to do. Your confidence knows no boundaries. Your lucky in money may be triggered by outside factors or peer-group fads. Heighten your sexual magnetism tonight; it will keep love sizzling.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. At home, you and your mate will combine your dreams and discover ways to finance your shared aspirations. Banish confusion when it comes to money matters. Join your athletic friends for recreation and fun – you’re in top form.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. You have the energy to do what it takes to win. A challenge will strive you to accomplish something greater than you ever thought possible. Your romantic partner may paint a clear picture of what he or she needs. Rest tonight.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Fulfill your key goals; a major achievement might involve a school project of partnership contract. You might receive cash from a family-related source. Befriend a stranger. In love, you need more privacy, so don’t be afraid to ask for it.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Legal or financial affairs are among your lucky duties that you must tend to. While you decide what career step to take next, create a happy home environment for yourself. Your sweetheart may reconcile when you forge a deep bond.

. A conflict over dual loyalties might take the fun out of life. Don’t’ try to please everyone – it isn’t good for your self-esteem. In late June, an event could lead to family harmony, allowing you to focus on your romantic life for a change. Children will respond to your needs. In October, a new job or financial gain may allow you to do something grand for yourself. Your lucky numbers are: 28, 9, 17, 22 and 38.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Changes in the sky can affect your emotions deeply. Trying to convince others that your ideology is right will be a complete waste of time. Still, your charisma soars, and you can make smart connections that will enhance your career.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. Potential sponsors have their eyes on you. Take gutsy risks. Earning, saving and investing are top issues. Your profit-making ideas will yield big rewards. You’ll gain kudos from the boss for being so smart. Drama heightens the senses.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Your eyes may wander toward an individual who reminds you of a former significant other. Try to remember why you left him or her in the first place. Working through an emotional afternoon will be lucky if you can do things by yourself.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Spend your time daydreaming and seeking fantasies you’ve made for yourself. Don’t be fooled; aim to hit your target dead-on. Even if you revel in the journey, you are nonetheless moving forward at an alarming speed.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Cut out unnecessary confusion at work by applying a new strategy. What you want to know about love can now be felt on an intuitive level. Spending time alone may be impossible when friends beckon you to have fun.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Are you stressed? The stars might encourage you to find ways to make things easier to tackle. Seize the power to change what you don’t like, because there is no excuse not to. Those who are courageous will get plenty of support.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
In love, there could be a chance to renew a broken relationship and start all over. Changes may be irreversible, so be careful what you ask for. Put your best foot forward tonight, and interesting people will want to be your friend.

"As a Pisces born on Feb. 28, 1950, I’ve always felt lonely, but never more so than now. I’m a single, empty-nes mother with a good but boring job. I make boring money and live a boring life, I love my kids, but I yearn for an intimate, romantic relationship. Love would be great, but I’d ever settle for a friendship."

Your poignant question is one I get often from readers. Many men and women who are in their 20s and 50s feel this way. Finding good friends who are right for you must be a long-term goal; it is one most people don’t bother to pursue. Pisces are most in tune with Aries or Cancer friends because they are compatible with each other. Pisces should look in places or in organizations that are devoted to pets, saving the environment, dance, unusual healing arts and religious or spiritual organizations. To end the loneliness you feel inside, you need friendship. Unfortunately, you must be the first one to extend a hand. Invite people to brunch, or call up committee members to give them current information. In other words, be proactive and assertive. In late June, you’ll become involved with a very stimulating group.

All the passion of a charging bull is available in the wave of a red flag. It’s easy to see such characteristics in actor Al Pacino. The intimidation factor is high with Taureans if they feel like tapping into it. This year, Pacino’s career sector may light up with unexpected twists and turns. Could he take the lead of a colleague like Robert De Niro and do a comedy? A hot and heavy film along the lines of "9 1/2 Weeks" is more likely!

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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