March 17, 2002

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! The Taurus moon stimulates your appetite. You will desire authenticity, so prepare an Irish feast yourself for a bit of luck. Be careful with spending under the Taurus moon, since it seems that what you really want exceeds your budget. Real financial freedom isn’t having more money; it’s living within your means.

ARIES (March 21-April 19).
Take advantage of a wave of popularity by getting people interested in your cause. Re-establish a close relationship, or it will fade into superficiality. Children may want to impress you. Your mate has the answer to your question.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).
Explore the limits of your talent, and you’ll soon discover that it is boundless! It’s OK to disagree with authority figures. A loved one’s overly critical sibling should be taken seriously. Wishing on a star will be particularly lucky tonight.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21).
Flirting will be dangerous this afternoon. Avoid breaking an unwritten rule. Challenge yourself to do your best work around the house, or it might come back to haunt you later. You may want to spend money to celebrate, but it’s not necessary.

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Friends and family support your important decision. You’ll end up doing what you want anyhow, regardless of what they say, but it’s nice to know you can turn to them when you need to. Put your best foot forward at a social gathering.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
People who love you may ask for tons of attention, and you might not have enough to go around. If you don’t set aside time to relax, making calls and connections will be the hardest things to do throughout the day. Don’t forget to take a break.

Your best ideas will bring in the big bucks this year. Your instincts will be especially hot through April. Pull out of a project that’s going downhill before it’s too late. You might end up buying a house in August. A Sagittarius may win your admiration, and a Capricorn will receive you with open arms. Making small bets in October will reap some spending cash. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 44, 2, 19 and 30.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Get some R and R after a few strenuous hours at work. Others may infringe on what little free time you have unless you firmly say "no." Quiet diplomacy works miracles. Singles will find love while pursuing a new hobby or sport.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Vent anger in a constructive manner, or it will build up over time. A break in your daily routine is essentials to revive romance and creativity. A relationship turmoil is almost over. Do not give up anything prematurely. Be patient now.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
The obligations you dread will surprisingly turn into fun by this afternoon. Expect aggressive action and surprise visits or telephone calls. Use downtime to clear your desk. Be sure to read between the lines of a contract or letter.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
A change in your game plan will allow you to rise to meet any occasion. Pleasant events around your home can be attributed to the grand example set by a Capricorn or Taurus. Make a decision based solely on concrete evidence.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).
An unconventional relationship may develop into the most marvelous liaison. Although romance feels precarious, you are on solid ground. Trust love. Remind your closest friends of special days; forgetfulness runs rampant.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).
If you can get everyone together, sweet memories will be made. Your date may ask some personal questions that you might choose not to answer. Keep your relationship full of suspense. A Sagittarius knows what you want.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You and a friend need to set aside your differences – it isn’t worth the trouble. Your intuition may lead you into a fantastic negotiation. Suppress the urge to reprimand your sweetie too severely. You might have to take it back later.

St. Patrick’s Day kicks off the week with all the temptation that makes life so interesting. The Taurus moon keeps the sensual vibes right below the surface. It also whets your appetite for food, the arts or anything that smacks of luxury beyond what you can afford. Oh, well; that’s what keeps you striving. Tuesday is the last day of the Pisces sun, and the introspective spirit of this enlightening passage gives way to lusty springtime and all her mischief. The Aries sun pops into the picture Wednesday. It’s time to celebrate Ostara, the spring equinox. Will there be magic? Yes. Don’t be surprised if you fall head over heels next week with someone you never thought you’d end up with. Spring has a way of blinding us to anyone’s flaws. Live it up. There are many things to be grateful for and many ways to express the gratitude you feel. The Cancer moon Friday and Saturday pipes up, so why not share a homemade meal with your closest friends?

Actress Holly Hunter may win big this year. A charity could name a wildlife preserve after her. Hunter has all the versatility associated with her sign: she brings humor to her serious roles and stark reality to her humor. She gets deep into the characters she portrays better than anyone else can. Mercury in Aries, the god of war, offsets her small stature with the courage of a soldier. Look for her to play more big roles.

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Copyright 2002 Joyce Jillson

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