September 25,2001

The sensual Taurus moon keeps us shopping for luxury items today. You won’t regret leaving the house without the credit cards; however, don’t deprive yourself completely, or you’ll just find another way to get what you want. Avoid playful flirtation and seduction, as the moon slips into impulsive Gemini and exposes your vulnerability tonight.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Make an agreement before the day is through – this one will stick! Verbal arrangements and contracts made over the next 24 hours are productive and lasting. An expert should influence your decision, but you must make the last call.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
. You can now resume a writing project that’s been on hold. Exercise is a must – it boosts your creative juices and gives you some extra time to yourself. The information you’ve been waiting for arrives, perhaps in the form of gossip.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. You lift everyone’s spirits. Trust your instincts if you want lady luck to visit – she responds to confidence. Keep a date tonight, no matter how nervous you are. The energy is high on both ends. Have fun and enjoy each other’s company!

CANCER (June 22-July 22).
Minor details can be cleared up in a moment’s notice, but major ones need a delicate hand. Give special attention to children who look up to you. You are their mentor. If you improve your concentration, you’ll feel in control of your life.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. Watching or listening to a master gives you a burst of inspiration. A Cancer knows how to unlock your creative side, but for adventurous love, seek an Aries. A romantic endeavor takes preparation, so put yourself in the right mind-set.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (September 25)
. This will be a year in which you reap large rewards through your reputation and loyalty. Contacts, references and old friends bring carer luck through January. The opposite sex is attracted to your devotion to a worthy cause, so keep it up. With hard work, your income will grow in November and December. Your lucky love signs are Aquarius and Taurus. Your lucky numbers are: 8, 24, 39, 35 and 21.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Pursuing knowledge and friendship is the order of the day. A marriage will always improve when each person learns to complete tasks independently. Friends and relatives takes your word, so be careful not to lead anyone astray.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)
. Magnetism, style and intelligence make you irresistible today. Phone an old partner and embrace a new-found friend. Relatives are generous at the right times, so avoid taking unnecessary items. Seek true value over superficial glamor.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Try not to make impulsive decisions, because quitting only proves the wrong person right. Show business, real estate and communication are all lucky niches for your talent. Favors from family or friends are not without personal obligation.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
Creative ideas will fascinate a new love interest. The inspiration you give others will now be returned. Taking a look at where you came from will lead to an increased appreciation of your loved ones. Demand a refund for faulty goods.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Your remarkable intuition helps you make money. Issues of trust may arise with co-workers, but give respectable people the benefit of the doubt. A Pisces teaches you how to love your work and appreciate what you love.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. You are reshaping important goals, but you must make a decision tonight in order to keep your momentum going. Your social life thrives while you expand your career horizons. Advertise your services at dinner parties.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).
You have many interests in common with a potential love interest, but if you haven’t met anyone yet, enroll in a class. Family members are as supportive of you as they can possibly be. Asking for too much may hurt their feelings.

The Leo sun is quite a theatrical influence, so if you feel life has turned into a bizarre soap opera, it will only get stranger as the week progresses. People you used to count on to be down-to-earth may behave in exaggerated ways or get you into uncomfortable situations. The secret to getting through a drama as the graceful star is simple: laugh, laugh, laugh. If you can do this, the whole world will really laugh with you, or at least the ones with a sense of humor. The Gemini moon on Monday ensures that not much will get done. But don’t be cynical. You could find a shortcut or solution while horsing around. Mercury takes a stint in ethical Virgo on Tuesday, and then it’s back to productivity. You might spend the entire morning making plans and getting more done between 2 and 5 p.m. than you sometimes do in a whole day! You’ll take great pleasure in crossing things off your to-do list in the next few weeks. Wednesday brings a powerful opposition of the sun and Uranus that makes even the most passive people take a stand. What is no longer tolerable is set straight with a revolt. This could be as small as saying "no" to something you used to say "yes" to. The Leo sun provides plenty of publicity.

Movie star Robert De Niro is a Leo with a Pisces moon – the ideal chart for a serious actor. Actor’s of this chart lend great compassion to others, and they walk a mile in their character’s shoes until they understand their feelings thoroughly. Mercury and Venus in Virgo reveal a need for order and purpose in De Niro’s personal life. The union of opposites in his chart give him irresistible complexity and undeniable charm.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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