June 18, 2001

While the sensual moon and romantic Venus reside in luxurious Taurus, your mind will be drawn toward pleasurable pursuits, preferably with the opposite sex. The sun in partner-oriented Gemini will help you take action swiftly and with great conviction. Those who spend time with their true friends have unusually rich experiences. You share respect for each other.

ARIES (March 21-April 19)
. Doors to your dreams are open wide, and references for an ideal job are available from contacts. Pursue research projects and dig for data because you'll come up with valuable chunks of information. Doctors make brilliant diagnoses.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20
). A creative project takes a turn for the better. Your love life is filled with special excitement. Buy tickets to a concert that will uplift and inspire you. Praise and appreciation are your rewards for being so loyal to your boss and co-workers.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21)
. Your job hunt will go successfully. Your personal charm and ability to sell will result in an impressive raise. Have fun with co-workers tonight. Others may take your words seriously and to heart, so be careful of what you say.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
. Your luckiest move today is simply leaving well enough alone. Do your best to separate your emotions from your profession. Your colleagues test your loyalty to them. Be the light at the end of the tunnel for a lonely friend.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
. You're efficient and authoritative. Taking time out to listen to even the pettiest complaints of a family member or co-worker saves a lot time in the long-run! Trust the special love you have with your parents. They will never do you wrong.

. New friends have a powerful effect on you for the next four weeks. Long-distance travel and communication make July and August a time of seeking opportunities. Keep the future in minds as you build your dream in September. Make a key partnership or legal move in October. Try a new approach to romance in January. Your best love sign this year is Pisces. You lucky numbers are: 57, 32, 3, 11 and 17.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
. Your comments regarding a project are invaluable to a partner. Relationship problems stem from your mate's low self-esteem; it's not you. Still, taking responsibility for your part will heal thins faster. A new hobby has a calming effect.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Colleagues rely on your more, and it's high time you ask for a promotion or raise. Make room for educational or creative pursuits in your budget. Say yes to a seemingly unimportant invitation; it may lead to important introductions and deals.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)
. Your willingness to forgive others makes you more comfortable with yourself and more attractive to others. A monetary dispute is settled in your favor. Tonight, you will benefit from helping someone, but don't do it out of selfishness.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
. Luck is one of your birthrights, so collect your share with confidence. Be sure to spread it around with a smile on your face. If you're tempted to work hard, remember how many work days are ahead of you. Relax.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
. Although you'd rather be off and paying with friends, life requires that you buckle down and gets results. You might feel as if you are being taken for granted now. Don't worry, the boss will notice your contributions sooner or later.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
. Your philanthropies prove to be entrepreneurially successful, and you'll meet new business contacts because of it. A project revolving around children is both inspirational and lucky. Love heats up tonight with a Scorpio or Pisces.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
. Your love life sparkles, and your sex appeal is extremely high. Dare to ask out the cute one you've been flirting with. Someone is keeping track, contrary to what he or she says. Set an example for those who are younger and older.

"I’m having a Virgo male born on Sept. 4, 1975. Can astrology show me what career direction I should aim for? I have no clue where to go."

A strongly intellectual Mars/Neptune opposition affecting your career sector and an opposition of Jupiter to Uranus add great scope to your mental abilities, as Mercury conjunct Pluto in Libra gives you depth. This emphasis on mental acuity makes it easy for you to fall into the "lifetime-student" category, as research and teaching come very naturally to you. You may see yourself as a professor of law, history or psychology. The moon and Venus in Leo give you a love for in-person communication that will make teaching very fulfilling. Criminal psychology and law will interest you, but it's probably better iof you avoid being a criminal lawyer. Encourage people, but be critical when educating yourself.

Country star Wynonna and Judd could accept a prominent acting role this year. Gemini is known for adaptability and the desire to explore the different realms of show business, especially if friends and family members are supportive. Childbirth is also favored in Judd's chart this year, with planets highlighting her maternal strengths.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2001 Joyce Jillson

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