Horoscope - November 30 (Thursday)

The sun in Sagittarius keeps the focus on travel and adventure. Everybody feels the itch to make things happen, and the serious Capricorn moon is all about executing the plan. Venus, also in Capricorn, urges us to get our bearings in matters of love. Figure out what’s going on now when sight is relatively untainted by overexaggerated emotion.

(March 21-April 19). Pause and take stock now, or you’ll play cleanup when conflicting events or people collide later. Sales people attract lucrative accounts. Unemployed? Call the companies you admire and would like to work for.

(April 20-May 20). Assert independence wherever possible. You weren’t left out; anticipated invitations are late incoming. Get precise figures before making financial decisions. It’s lucky to go into business with relatives, especially cousins.

(May 21-June 21). Provocative statements make you popular, but in the end they may hurt your cause. Associate with those from other fields. Expand your circle of friends. Luck through the stock market and real estate come to you by way of your wisdom.

(June 22-July 22). Recognize contributions of co-workers. Attitude makes all the difference with a child. A visit means much to older relatives. You gain status through creative sales techniques. Curtail social obligations, you are spreading yourself too thin.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Delightful interruptions happen throughout the day. Rules are broken; authorities look the other way. See about hiring new assistants. Bright ideas enable you to do home renovations on a tight budget. For maximum benefit, plan what you say.

(November 30). It’s a year of personal definition! You strive for the better life you were meant for through December and find higher ground in January. You must be willing to let go completely in order to let the future goodness take over. Your windfall months are February and July. Your best signs for new love are passionate Cancer and psychic Pisces. Your lucky numbers are: 6, 15, 23, 40 and 11.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your words have the power of authority. Tackle something you usually find tedious and boring; you’ll enjoy such tasks today. Letters bring deserved results. An "ex" finally returns and apologizes. Don’t let your talents go to waste.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You take every precaution to guard your heart, but someone steals it anyhow. Somehow, you’re being asked to be the keeper of the flame. You are choosy in love, but so many people are interested in you now that you can be.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Open yourself to financial luck by being generous. Unusual methods and approaches do the trick. You are strongly attracted to offbeat subjects. There is power in sticking to a plan. Your perceptions of others will be accurate.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Petty conflicts are avoidable if you remember long-range objectives. There’s more than one way to put fun back into your life. When you’re feeling healthy, you will look happier and sexier. Swift actions lead to financial success.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Life guides you in the right direction through what seems to be miraculous means. It pays to read, perhaps literally. There’s no reason not to speak the truth if you do it in a loving way. Remarkable gains are possible in financial areas.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Others tug your attention from key issues; be firm in your focus. Appeals to rationality rather than emotions fall flat. A real estate deal might be aided in an unanticipated way by an unseen person. Think before acting on impulse.

(Feb. 19-March 20). Seemingly noninfluential people are playing a large role than you expect. Financial backing is still available, but get your plan together now. A surge of strength happens this afternoon as you stick to your highly organized schedule.

: "I’m a Pisces born on March 19, 1979 at 5:47 a.m. in Seattle, Washington. My friend was born on Feb. 2, 1974. We are perfectively loving friends and truly adore each other, yet every time we come close to an intimate relationship, he pulls away. He says he doesn’t want to jeopardize our friendship. Don’t know what to do."

Your Sagittarius moon is positively aspected by Mercury in Aries allowing you to speak your heart with confidence, and when the situation requires it, you are a bold and courageous partner. Venus in Aquarius encourages you to bond with friends and gives you an original and sometimes unusual outlook on love. Your Aquarius friend has Mercury on the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces, conjunct with your Venus in Aquarius, a powerful love connection. His Gemini moon favorably aspects his sun, so he is being honest about his fears and is likely to continue to analyze matters of the heart. His Venus in Capricorn is retrograde, causing him to internalize his feelings, perhaps influencing his choice to take things slow. Your charts are nicely compatible, and once this Aquarius commits, you can be sure of his feelings and his decision.

: "Late Night" musical director Paul Shaffer can accompany the hottest act in town, from country to jazz to rap. How did he get so versatile? It’s a gift to all Sagittarius, who are so curious about the world, they don’t think to put up too many boundaries around their talent. Also, Sagittarius is one of the most progressive signs of the zodiac, always searching for the next "cool" thing.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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