Horoscope - November 24

The Leo moon generates high drama; bear in mind that it’s your interpretation of what happens that gives it meaning, not the actual events. The sun is reaching for a new home in Sagittarius, but in these final Scorpio days, what we were searching for all month could still remain elusive. Reconcile your feelings instead of waiting longer for answers.

(March 21-April 19). Good fortune comes from a recent project or sale. First impressions of a love interest may be more romantic than realistic. Amazing new ideas come from spending time out of your element. Give your mate the chance to make it up to you.

(April 20-May 20). When you explain your position, you’ll win allies. Get your routine in sync with a mate’s so a surprise occurrence can be handled easily. Full attention to the needs of others is only possible when you meet your own needs first.

(May 21-June 21). You enter a cycle of completion and resolution. You dedicated several hours to a project, investment or cause, and you’ll finally see the results. Set an example for impatience people, and don’t let anyone mess with your sense of timing.

(June 22-July 22). A stint in the spotlight is just what you need to give you that push toward your goals. Making your intentions public gives you the necessary accountability to keep your momentum strong. Spend some time with your family tonight.

(July 23-Aug. 22). Others accept you at the level you value yourself, so work on self-confidence. Your strong identification with a co-worker (possibly an Aries) helps you both through a tough project. Success is not dependent on age or render.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (November 24).
This is a prosperous year; big purchases, such as a car, go very well with the aspects now through the end of December. A travel adventure has romantic overtones. Consider dancing, writing or drawing as an outlet, you will be most surprised by your own talent. For love, your best partners are Libra and Gemini. In July, you may get engaged. Your lucky numbers are: 2, 40, 22, 24 and 33.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). A secret fantasy becomes a reality. You are hopeful even when others give up, which is ultimately the key to your success. Loves makes the wheels of inspiration turn. Cranky peers complicate matters unless you stay calm.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Focus on articulating your goals and specifically stating your mission. There is little than can come between you and your ideal role in the world. If you see yourself one step up the status ladder, you will slowly attain that new position.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You may be surprised by your intense feelings and could very easily fall in love now. Respond to criticism with a sense of humor. You push yourself hard to finish work, but you may still need to do some of it over the weekend.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Delight in your efforts – right now, fun is more important than having more than the other guy. Besides, exuberance attracts love. First impressions are reliable, so let your instinct rule your head. A former mate will call you.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Get out of a bad love relationship Best intentions are not enough. Actions and follow-throughs count the most. Love relationships are so complex, you may feel like focusing elsewhere. A large financial transaction proves fortunate.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Ideas turn to gold, however, you must do the groundwork in order to reap benefits. If there is a legitimate short cut, you will find it. Make sleep a priority, and you’ll have more energy and stamina. A sibling needs to see you.

(Feb. 19-March 20). You shine in the eyes of family and friends. What must you do to impress yourself? Current work conditions and duties improve, coincidentally, when you seek employment elsewhere. A Sagittarius or Libra would like your commitment.

In the last few days of the Scorpio sun, the sexual tension will be thick. Singles who have been wondering endlessly where a relationship is going may keep on wondering through the weekend, unless they summon up the courage to just ask outright. Answers to the mysteries of love are more fun to quest after than to actually attain, so enjoy the feelings of longing that bring you closer to your deeper self. Aries: You fall in love with someone all too reasonable. Taurus: Use your sensuality to instill in your partner a new appreciation for the finer things in life. Gemini: You move mountains just to impress someone. Cancer: Build the mystery! Leo: Don’t disregard friendship for passion. Virgo: You’ll have the time of your life with a Pisces or Scorpio: You don’t have to do a thing in romantic matters, everything will come to you. Sagittarius: Heads will turn when you make an entrance at a popular hot spot. Capricorn: You’ll get proposals now that Venus is in your realm. Aquarius: You make new rules of dating, and these will work to your advantage. Pisces: It’s better to assume more responsibility than to ask for too much.

Aquarius and Gemini both belong to the air triplicity. There is a blending of energy between signs that share the same element and a mutual understanding. The air signs are considered the thinkers of zodiac. They come up with creative ideas, masterful plans and can motivate people. They’ll be the key guests at any celebration, and their relationship thrives when they attend everything together.

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com.

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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