Horoscope - October 20 (Friday)

The final days of Libra’s sun keeps partnership issues at the forefront. Doing what’s best for relationships has been the preferred choice for weeks, but a slow shift in consciousness brings individual needs vividly into focus. Romantic vibes start out playful, but the games get tougher and a thirst for drama keeps raising the stakes.

(March 21-April 19). You’ve been through a difficult learning process in a close relationship, but you’re on the better side of it now. Make sure your growth is recognized by higher-ups, even if you have to point it out yourself.

(April 20-May 20). You get the green light for pleasure jaunts or extended trips with the kids. Victory on the job could mean a temporary hold on romance. Your absence or preoccupation makes someone even more wild about you.

(May 21-June 21). Put your best foot forward, ignoring those critical inner voices, which are not only exaggerated but are based on information that no longer applies. You’ll have the means to pay back your debts, stop worrying.

(June 22-July 22). Romance blossoms through volunteering your time to friends or answering a very casual invitation. Help a buddy. Luck comes from socializing. Meetings and happy hours are sources of necessary information.

(July 23-Aug. 22). You may be elected team leader, but that doesn’t mean you asked for the job. Carefully consider your boundaries in relationships. Exceptional efforts pay off big. Strive for excellence from yourself and others.

(October 20). You have more to offer this year than ever before when you take time to let others enrich you. Dig up old contacts to get artistic advice. Romance blossoms out of a solid friendship in the middle of February. Business soars – money arrives in April and July. Your best signs for love are Aquarius and Gemini. Your lucky numbers are: 11, 4, 29, 14 and 3.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Issues of integrity and honor are hot topics now. When you put your practical intuition to work, things fall right into place. Enjoy passion with a Taurus or Leo. Little flirtations lighten your mood and make your day.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You can move on to bigger success when you start fresh. Pay all the bills and return borrowed items. Broaden financial horizons. Make sure everyone is contributing before you let others in on your success.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Powerful people who enjoy your company can now catapult you into wonderful new opportunities. Romance is sweet, but something from past could cause a slight interference. Make a decision with confidence, or it won’t stick.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Whatever you’ve promised must be delivered or you’ll pay dearly. Affairs of the heart turns passionate and permanent. An authority figure has an eye on you for a special job. A family problem is solved by a move.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Enjoy a cash bonus when you sell creative works. Friendship has its ups and downs but you’ll gain much by putting up with a little moodiness from others. Remember, you are the rock of someone’s world.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Relationships strengthen when you break a comfortable routine. Singles find exciting new dates. A Sagittarius wants something more meaningful. You could be pressured into extra work, but rewards are worth it.

(Feb. 19-March 20). Reorganize on paper tonight, and start implementing changes tomorrow. You are a success when you live by your own high standards. Spending habits need adjustment. You won’t miss what you don’t buy today.

: The sun spends a few lingering hours in Libra as it prepares to enter the sign of improvement, Virgo. Doing what’s best for relationships has been the preferred choice for weeks, but a slow shift in consciousness brings individual needs vividly into focus. Compromise is becoming less appealing, and finding someone who is more in line with your goals makes a little more sense. The meek miss out, so speak up, and be original while you’re at it! Friday night starts out playfully enough, but by the end of the night, it’s hard to distinguish between what’s real and what’s a game. But when the passion ignites, does it matter? With Mercury transiting in retrograde, a few dates could get seemingly spoiled with a case of cross wires, but what actually happens when you finally hook up is a better outcome anyhow. Show your strength of character through listening carefully – not only to what loved ones say, but to everything they mean, too. On Sunday, the sun bids adieu to Libra’s loving arms and enters the sign of improvement and growth, Virgo.

: Libra is the artist, the beauty lover and the consummate partner. Teamed with charismatic Gemini, what could possibly go wrong? It is difficult to get either sign to commit to a long-term affair, but what is the rush? Both are content to vacillate in a middle ground indefinitely. Do not be concerned about what the world names your relationship. This love has merits that only the two can truly understand!

To find out more about Joyce Jillson and read her past columns, visit the Creators Syndicate web page at www.creators.com

Copyright 2000 Joyce Jillson

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