

Workers air alarm over rising terrorist financing cases

Mayen Jaymalin - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — Aside from continuing human rights violations, the Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) is alarmed over increasing terrorist financing cases being filed against labor leaders.

“We condemn the continuing gross violations of labor and human rights under the Marcos Jr. presidency. We condemn the equation of labor activism with support for armed insurgency, which the government further equates with terrorism,” CTUHR said in a statement.

The non-government organization reported that for the past months, terrorist financing cases were filed against Kilusang Mayo Uno official Jaime Paglinawan together with 26 NGO workers in Cebu, and Unyon ng mga Panadero sa Gardenia Bakeries Philippines Inc.-OLALIA-KMU vice president Rhoel Alconera.

According to CTUHR, both cases are based on testimonies of supposed witnesses who appear to have been coerced by the military and the government.
Paglinawan and 26 other accused posted bail of P200,000 each after the court issued warrants for their arrest.

“Despite posting bail, the Philippine National Police in Cebu issued a press release containing the mugshots of the 27 accused and claiming that they were arrested for terrorist financing. Some media outfits picked up the press release,” the CTUHR noted.

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