

Marcos on helicopter use: I try not to cause traffic

Helen Flores - The Philippine Star
Marcos on helicopter use: I try not to cause traffic
President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. led the launch of the Lung Center of the Philippines' and National Kidney and Transplant Institute's Lung Transplant Program with other public officials at the Lung Center in Quezon City on January 23, 2024.
PPA Pool Photos by Yummie Dingding

MANILA, Philippines — Following criticisms for using the presidential helicopter to avoid the traffic gridlock and watch the concert of British rock band Coldplay last week, President Marcos yesterday said he did not want his convoy to cause traffic.

In an interview after gracing the launch of the Lung Transplant Program in Quezon City, Marcos said that the show was “fantastic” and “unmissable.”

“By now you know I’m really a music lover. I have been for a long time, I have studied music for many years,” he told reporters.

“And, to have somebody like Coldplay – you can’t – that’s unmissable. You cannot miss. So, I went and it was – by the way, it was fantastic. It was great,” he added.

Asked by GMA News about his use of the helicopter, he said his convoy usually slows traffic flow, and “I try not to cause traffic.”

Coldplay’s concert at the Philippine Arena in Bulacan last Friday was different from what he used to watch, according to the President, who was with First Lady Liza Marcos and their youngest son, William Vincent.

“You can ask anybody who attended the concert, it’s different. It’s different from the concert we used to see,” the Chief Executive said.

“It’s totally different… (They’re) spectacular. I haven’t seen such a concert. We don’t have (one) like that in Batac,” he added, referring to his hometown in Ilocos Norte.

Last Saturday, the Presidential Security Command (PSC) defended the helicopter use ostensibly for the President’s safety.

The PSC said the Philippine Arena “experienced an unprecedented influx of 40,000 individuals eagerly attending a concert, resulting in unforeseen traffic complications along the route.”

“Recognizing that this traffic situation posed a potential threat to the security of our President, the PSG took decisive action by opting for the presidential chopper,” it said.

Marcos did not comment on Coldplay vocalist Chris Martin’s reaction to the country’s traffic problem.

“We’d like to say thank you so much for all of you for coming through the traffic, holy s**t!” the Coldplay frontman said.

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